A new Journey
posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2010 at 4:05 PM |
0 cmnt/s

^ Proest items ever. Lmao.
Just a few weeks passed, many things happened. Sigh i do not wish to elaborate on the bad stuff. Ah wells.
So now alcove's closed, what are my plans after? Well.. For sure i have to do my IP Reflections by 8th October, which is like next friday. Then there's the chalet coming up this weekend. A pity i dont get to see the girls, but ah wells.
As u see in the screenies above, My ign is GMHelix. Yeap, that says it all. I went back to server development. Well, to be frank, my coding skills isnt good, but making this server, it sure made me learn lots of stuff about coding, which is good. Fixes done include..
1. 2nd Job Mobs dropping The stupid dark marble.
2. Nine's Spirit Egg Changed to dragon Stone for Horntail.
To dos:
1. Mobs dropping 2 etc drops, and skeles dropping a kingcent 100%.
2. REducing the number of zhelms and ht necks for zak and ht.
3. Adding PB drops (sound stupid, but yea)
4. Roppongi Mall for neo tokyo. (Mainly, CoreBlaze and AufHaven).
5. Starter Pack
6. Increasing the rate of cash earned. (Yea, its stupid).
7. Custom Npcs (Generalized Potshop in fm, among others)
And a whole long list. Yea, it'll take awhile. Ah wells.
Looks like this is a stupid blog entry. Whatever. Bye guys.
At the End of the Moonlight, I wished...
posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 11:30 PM |
0 cmnt/s

Tomorrow's the last day of attachment already. But yet, half of me wants this whole thing to end, the other half misses those 6 year olds. Blah, Life has to move on, so there's nth much i can do about it also. Ah wells.
Right now, i think i dont even know, WHEN to feel WHAT, anymore. Why this quote, some of you might ask. Well, I've came across three girls recently, two of them having this diagnosis called depression, but yet, even if its just a game, they are just one of the best happypills that you can find. However, some reason or another, they remind me of a special someone, for i dont know why. Every night, I would just sit and think back, all the happy memories, and the regrets, and the oblivion that im in today. But then again, does it even matter?
Ah well, looks like another night of sleeping with a sad face. Goodbyes.
Been a while.
posted on Monday, September 20, 2010 at 8:23 PM |
0 cmnt/s
How long has it been since i last updated this space? Well if there are any readers in the first place, i guess u guys must be wondering where the hell i have been to nowadays. Well... To say it nicely, im having attachment @ the childcare these few days. I dont even know whether it is a good thing or not. But at least, seeing those little 6 year olds smiling and full of energy brings that smile on my face.
As for today, I just did my second lesson implementation. All i could say is, its much better than the nightmare that i had last wednesday. Having lots of encouragement from my mentor helped a lot too. Well, I guess, i only have 3 more days to see those little faces, as thursday's my last day there.
Apart from attachment, I've also been playing Alcovesea like how i played maplesea 2 years back. Seriously, its the best server i ever played, especially when theres the family called Aristocrats who's there for me, who will always tolerate my nonsense without even complaining (I do feel guilty writing this tho), especially to Adly, Von, Alfred, Kele, the 3 bens, melvin, and to everyone else. At least, these create happy memories for me to look back at 10years later and smile at all the simple pleasures of just enjoying a game.
Speaking of Alcove, there's these three girls that i got to know recently, a dajie and two twins. They appear happy, never failing to crap around, make us laugh to the com, and what not, but behind all these, I know, lies a very sad and fragile story, which i do not want to mention. Somehow, seeing these 3 girls reminds me of a special someone, and how i foolishly let her go, only to regret now, knowing that it is too late.
Ah wells, enough of the not-so-happy stuff. On saturday, I went to a chalet with sam, alvin, james and ben, to celebrate...

See the girl in the picture? Yes, its Jasia, aka my nuer's birthday chalet. Well, today's actually her birthday, but I've wished her during the chalet already. Had a whole lot of fun there, even tho the things that happened after the chalet was.. nevermind lets not mention them shall we.
(P.S., please pardon how ugly i look, and how messy my hair is, because its damaged due to the effects of chlorine. yes i was a competitive swimmer back then.)
IP Debrief this friday, IP File submission this 8th October, and a few weeks more from there, its Year 2 Sem 2. Time really, really flies. Till the next post.
I chose not to move on, because nobody else can be as perfect as you.
posted on Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 7:08 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Knowing that such things will happen, yet still hoping like a fool.
My girl, I just cant let you go.
End of Hiatus.
posted on Thursday, September 2, 2010 at 7:54 AM |
0 cmnt/s

Really been a while since i last updated this space. So many things happened...
AlcoveSEAWell, i did embark on this journey, partly coz of that stupid short chicken, but well, it was a decision that i never regretted. If i didnt, I wouldnt have found the new family in Aristocrats, found new buddies like beibei, alfred, kele, adly, von, kaci and Peter, just to name a few, and most importantly, played a common game with brothers like teckhwee, samuel, ben and vince. For once, i am a first in something too, being the first Dk in alcove to reach 200 (albeit having people with better equips than i do). Its also through Alcove that i realised, its the little things that a person does, the thought behind every action that are the stuff that brings smiles to everybody's faces.
Apart from Alcove, there's the exams that have come and gone, the internship that's coming (yea, its an obstacle to enjoying my well-deserved horleedays), and besides that its just staying at home and rotting all day. Ah wells. the result of boredom. >.<
The best part? My mum's on fb. GG. One platform restricted.
Bye folks.
You mean this much -stretches arms wide till they dislocate- to me.
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