End of Hiatus.
posted on Thursday, September 2, 2010 at 7:54 AM |
0 cmnt/s

Really been a while since i last updated this space. So many things happened...
AlcoveSEAWell, i did embark on this journey, partly coz of that stupid short chicken, but well, it was a decision that i never regretted. If i didnt, I wouldnt have found the new family in Aristocrats, found new buddies like beibei, alfred, kele, adly, von, kaci and Peter, just to name a few, and most importantly, played a common game with brothers like teckhwee, samuel, ben and vince. For once, i am a first in something too, being the first Dk in alcove to reach 200 (albeit having people with better equips than i do). Its also through Alcove that i realised, its the little things that a person does, the thought behind every action that are the stuff that brings smiles to everybody's faces.
Apart from Alcove, there's the exams that have come and gone, the internship that's coming (yea, its an obstacle to enjoying my well-deserved horleedays), and besides that its just staying at home and rotting all day. Ah wells. the result of boredom. >.<
The best part? My mum's on fb. GG. One platform restricted.
Bye folks.
You mean this much -stretches arms wide till they dislocate- to me.