A new Journey
posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2010 at 4:05 PM |
0 cmnt/s

^ Proest items ever. Lmao.
Just a few weeks passed, many things happened. Sigh i do not wish to elaborate on the bad stuff. Ah wells.
So now alcove's closed, what are my plans after? Well.. For sure i have to do my IP Reflections by 8th October, which is like next friday. Then there's the chalet coming up this weekend. A pity i dont get to see the girls, but ah wells.
As u see in the screenies above, My ign is GMHelix. Yeap, that says it all. I went back to server development. Well, to be frank, my coding skills isnt good, but making this server, it sure made me learn lots of stuff about coding, which is good. Fixes done include..
1. 2nd Job Mobs dropping The stupid dark marble.
2. Nine's Spirit Egg Changed to dragon Stone for Horntail.
To dos:
1. Mobs dropping 2 etc drops, and skeles dropping a kingcent 100%.
2. REducing the number of zhelms and ht necks for zak and ht.
3. Adding PB drops (sound stupid, but yea)
4. Roppongi Mall for neo tokyo. (Mainly, CoreBlaze and AufHaven).
5. Starter Pack
6. Increasing the rate of cash earned. (Yea, its stupid).
7. Custom Npcs (Generalized Potshop in fm, among others)
And a whole long list. Yea, it'll take awhile. Ah wells.
Looks like this is a stupid blog entry. Whatever. Bye guys.