At the End of the Moonlight, I wished...
posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 11:30 PM |
0 cmnt/s

Tomorrow's the last day of attachment already. But yet, half of me wants this whole thing to end, the other half misses those 6 year olds. Blah, Life has to move on, so there's nth much i can do about it also. Ah wells.
Right now, i think i dont even know, WHEN to feel WHAT, anymore. Why this quote, some of you might ask. Well, I've came across three girls recently, two of them having this diagnosis called depression, but yet, even if its just a game, they are just one of the best happypills that you can find. However, some reason or another, they remind me of a special someone, for i dont know why. Every night, I would just sit and think back, all the happy memories, and the regrets, and the oblivion that im in today. But then again, does it even matter?
Ah well, looks like another night of sleeping with a sad face. Goodbyes.