The end of the road.
posted on Monday, May 31, 2010 at 1:33 AM |
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Im here.
Oh wait, the end of that road i walked now leads to a crossroad. At least now, I have choices all over again.
Meanwhile, Im currently stuck with my LEBM Report... Sighs.
More pictures from the Technika steamboat...

This is my subgirlf aka Charmain. Well, dont worry luh, I wasnt unfaithful, how it came about was because of biondi's blurness.

A group shot with one of Iluma's arcade management staff. Edited by Charmain.

Edited by Charmain also. Thanks lots uh (:
Ven will be back. Stronger than ever.
Photo post...
posted on Sunday, May 30, 2010 at 3:02 AM |
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At last, a post with photos to keep it lively.
Selected pictures from the steamboat outing, more on my facebook.

Uguu and I.

A mini table shot before our soup came...

Look at the steamboat... A balls parade.
Now, moving on to the topic of man love. In the steamboat, I was the predator...

... As well as the victim...

Meanwhile, I've added formspring on my blog. For u guys to ask any random questions.
Apart from that, im currently having an epic war with my LEBM report, and then 3 more epic wars after that. Damn.
Till then.
posted on Saturday, May 29, 2010 at 2:17 AM |
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Yes, the title's random...
But anyways,
I am there now. The feeling totally sucks.
posted on Friday, May 28, 2010 at 5:25 PM |
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Things are no longer the same as what it usually is.
Self-centredness... Vs being the fella who has no opinions...
Technika Steamboat day
Tech steamboat day... Well i was really late, so yea i kinda made everyone wait. Because the group was soooo big, we were split into 4 tables. Joked alot, made alot of noise, recieved alot of unwanted attention, meh. But the important thing is, everyone had fun...
... Until ian broke down. Well, lets not get there. But well, I believe the whole community is concerned about him now.
Okay enough of the mood-spoiling stuff, after that, 75% of the crew went over to iluma, played ard, slacked abit, took group photos, mac for icecreams/drinks and off we go.
The whole 56 bus ride home, as well as that 1hour h2h talk with Jenson at my block's void deck... Well it really gave me a new perspective of a lot of things that happened around recently. At the same time, it really made me think alot about something that is really a big concern to me, and yet i dont know how to actually go about telling u f2f.
"If u'd realise, there are times that i would just suddenly stop smsing. Now u may start pointing the finger at me, but for once, stop and think. Why."
The cram period.
posted on Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 3:19 PM |
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Its here.
1 assignment next wednesday, and the week after, a report, a math kit and an essay...
Anyway, i love long bus rides. They make me reflect on things, think back about my life, and how much things have changed...
posted on Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 2:37 AM |
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Its just that sickening at times where u really really love someone, yet she keeps making u prove ur love for her.
C'mon. Im sick of all this already.
Insonmia. Part 2.
posted on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 4:09 AM |
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I give up trying to sleep and failing.
Anyway, thanks guys for the birthday surprise yesterday. I really appreciate it. Love you guys. (:
Note to self 1: To get 91x challenger, i need 240k eotm.
Note to self 2: I need to start tuning my body clock back to school timings.
Note to self 3: I better head to bed now.
Its come to a point where i need you everyday to live.
The calm after the storm.. Oh wait, its raining now.
posted on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 2:46 AM |
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After meeting baby, yesterday, things are much much better now... (:
Anyway, elearning. For once i found that it sucks, coz...
1. I keep procrastinating on my work. Meh its a bad thing.
But more importantly, its because....
2. I tend to sleep late and wake up late. Like, from 6am to 3pm im asleep. wow.
As a result, my three meals for the day.
Lunch > Dinner > Supper.
No breakfast coz i'll be fast asleep. O.O
Anyway, when i technika these few days, i'm very much training end of the moonlight only. And yes, im starting to see results now.
Here's my latest achievement.

Tilted image, heckcare. Score reads 236k, rank A.
Sp5 came out this week, took me 6 tries to clear it... Meh i cant be bothered with enemy storm tbh. Speaking of enemy storm...

Done out of boredom.
Okay enough of technika. After my sleeping session, later on, the guys will be celebrating my birthday... At first, some things happened between baby and teckhwee, making baby want to spend it with me only, but i persuaded her out of it. After all, the other guys would definitely question why she did that, and teckhwee and her would just become worse and worse.. Ah well, pray for the best tmr then. (:
Baby, thanks for everything, especially the talk yesterday.
While i may not be good at putting concerns and troubles in words,
whatever that happens, u'll definitely know about it. Iloveyou. (:
posted on Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 2:41 AM |
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There's this feeling of uncertainty inside of me.
E-Learning Week.
posted on Monday, May 10, 2010 at 11:25 PM |
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Elearning week = no school. I dunno whether i should call it yay or sian.
How my day went today...
Wake up > Elearning > Go J8 for Jubeat > TakeAway Lunch > Home > Sleep > Wake > Cine > Bugis > Home.
I'd call this no life.
Mother's day.
posted on Friday, May 7, 2010 at 3:07 PM |
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Its in 2 days. On that day i'll be accompanying baby to have dinner with her family again, as a mother's day dinner. Im very happy to spend time with her and bond with her family, but one thing will always come into my mind.
What about my mum? How have i been treating her for the past 18 years?
I admire her determination to carry on living despite the problems she's facing. Worrying about me, and more recently, her health's taken a toll too. But yet, i am unable to express those 3 words in words.
Zhengxuan's death really made me think through lots of things. How life is that fragile, and more importantly, what would become of me if my mum were to pass on. For other families, they have their other parent or siblings even if their mum were to pass on. What about me? My mum and i, its more or less, Xiang Yi Wei Ming.
I appear to be independent, I appear to be strong. But the truth is, I really cannot live without my mum...
Health's taken a toll.
posted on Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at 1:56 PM |
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Didnt go to school today...
Well at first its just a pure case of oversleeping, then I thought, last night, i was actually coughing very very badly until i almost vomitted. Hey, why not visit Dr. Tan? (My family doctor).
Apparently, he told me this.
"Your lungs tend to be a little weak, thats why you have the tendency to cough a lot".
And so i was prescribed a big bottle of syrup, to finish whole course and only 1 teaspoon twice a day. When i looked at the bottle, its.. huge for medicine.
Looks like im gonna be under long term medication from now on.
It's so sudden.
posted on Monday, May 3, 2010 at 12:38 AM |
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Now i know, life is just that fragile. So treasure it while u can.
We'll miss you.
posted on Sunday, May 2, 2010 at 2:53 PM |
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This is my lappy now. Special credits to Sis. :D
A month later...
posted on Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 3:15 AM |
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Happy anniversary baby, <3.
Meh, school has been routinely interesting for me the past week. But somehow im still not used to waking at 7 almost every day. Result: end up like zombie and sleep in almost every lesson.
"It sucks when u dunno how to show ur concern in words, and rather show it through actions."
This comment... Well its what's bothering me.
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