posted on Monday, August 31, 2009 at 3:12 AM |
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New blogskin, changed mixpod skin, added plurk.
Nights guys.
Eternity. Its you and me. (:
posted on Sunday, August 30, 2009 at 1:12 AM |
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Some quotes for today...
"best not to talk bout other's problems
reflect on your own problems
see what u can do about it
see what u can do to change it
thats giving"
1. Learn from ben
2. Sense of awareness if not Common Sense
3. Reflect everynight if can on your OWN PROBLEMS and how u can change them
*dun just say it
*do it
*ur a man
*and a man lives up to his word
*say what u mean, mean what u say..
*now I've said what I have said .. whether or not u take the advice thats ur choice.. but it'd be none of my business if u choose not to take it.."
Source: Shinji
"Kami stated ...
1 - is not giving enough effort to organise stuff and not being an "example" to his younger1
2- will get pre occupied with a girl and ignore the rest sometimes..
3- cares too much but doesn't notice
4- too little time spent/given
5/6- too pre occupied entertaining the people they know only
7- will become nuthing but a jerk
8- is a plan spoiler
*kami's solution -
1 must let go of things holding him back
2 must learn to put things on equilibrim
3 must start noticing people and changes
4 .. excusable but still .. it comes down to time management
5/6 - stop being so anti social..
7- stop acting like he doesn't care when it hurts him to do so..
8 - to be less or not at all (self centered)
*kami said : until the 8 of you start giving the brothers will keep splitting"
Kami: For providing useful advice
Ben: For intepreting the advice.
Advice that may not seem pleasing to the ear, but useful. Well Ven, now its time to put all these advice into practice. Troubled times, advice like this is a godsend.
Anyway, enough about the bros. hmmmm. 4 consecutive days of going to baby's house. x.x Tonned last night there, after somehow falling asleep. And then we went to swim today, at some downtown east like swimming complex. That girl, dunno wad she do, get scratch marks on her leg, LOL. cutecute de. After spending the evening there, went to eat at the kfc above the complex. And then sent her home. Saw yuki and hazel again. ;eeks. Took pics and headed home.
I wish for eternity love as much as you do...
A day without you, its as if a part of me went missing.
I need you, stay with me, till forever.
08082009, Iloveyou.
posted on Friday, August 28, 2009 at 1:51 AM |
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Im supposed to be sleeping, but im apparently not sleeping. Somehow, one way or another.
Been with girl for 4 consecutive days already. Even though there was the thing called 'ATTACHMENT', and another called 'MEETING THE PARENTS'. Well, at least, we had each other's company. (: And yes, that bag is finally not in my hands.
Ah, shall blog another day, seeing that i have a busy day ahead tmr. Ciaos.
Cheryl, guess its time to move on yea? No point getting all sad and moody over a jerk. (even though hes still one of the bros after all.)
Eternity. Its you and me. (:
posted on Monday, August 24, 2009 at 11:38 PM |
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I've decided to throw my story away. For im now afraid. Very scared.
Baby, the past doesnt matter.
Only the present and future matters.
And if you were to leave me just like that,
I guess my life would be so meaningless that I'll try to throw it away.
Baby, be with me for eternity, will you?
Well, just a short update on things.
Firstly. Im being dumb, having my second and last paper in like, 11hours time and yet not sleeping.
Secondly.. Bros u all should know about it. Its regarding sam. Some things happened that sparked a very radical change in him. And he claims that only a miracle can change him. Well sam. Some words for u. I believe miracles can be made by us. Provided we are willing to change. Yes its good to see you change, no longer going to era and stuff. But then again, because of a few childish people, why cause urself to become an anti? And incase u haven notice, hurting us brothers is nothing, hurting ur close frens is nothing. As in, nothing comparable to how u hurt a girl that u once loved and longed to be with?
Thirdly... Fam shirt updates done, Silencers please go to fam blog ( to view the proposed shirt designs.
Lastly... A picture.

posted on Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 4:55 AM |
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DPL paper seems tricky. x.x
If i could stop time,
I'll stop time at the times that we spent together.
I really cherish these moments, baby.
When i tell you 'i love you', I mean it.
And baby, i've realised, I can never afford to lose you.
Stay with me till eternity, will you?
gracia here to blog.
posted on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 7:14 PM |
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gracia here to post :D
someone's studying, so shhh HAHA.
keep claim that he's more guai thn me.
wad the toot manzxc.
sibeh bhb -.- somehow.
& i flunk my maths, Yay! -.-
sibeh shag wheni flunk.
i cried in school yo.
k, shall jus update his blog.
& so, byebye :D
posted on Monday, August 17, 2009 at 3:25 AM |
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The event: I went to cut my hair (thin, that is).
The good thing: at least my hair isnt that messy and thick now.
The bad thing: I think my fringe is screwed. Simply put, my hair's worse now.
Want a pic of me with the new hair? Look below.

Special thanks to my laptop's webcam.
Sam's birthday event made me realise 2 things. One, i am actually a fail in life, considering how fail my organisation is. Two, I am spending alot of money these days. Spending 0 while at sam's house. Go out for movie? Whole wallet almost emptied. And ofcos, poor ven, gets bullied by -Silence-, as usual. The Taopoks and all that, explains why.
Exams in less than a week. Seesh.
And before i forget. Ytd went to watch GI Joe with zh, sam, alvin, vince, teckhwee and her. Due to some unforseen circumstances (more like sabo), yea went to take the seat with her, as in the side seats, oni got 2 seats de. The show's kinda nice, and ofcos the injection of humor is not too much, but at very appropriate timing.
Lets see. Somebody's wishlist got almost totally fufilled ytd hor? ;P
Girl, just know, Ven is madly in love with you. (:
posted on Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 3:27 AM |
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The celebration's later. Hmmmm...
Supposed to tag heart now, but after a few dota games later, i got tired, and now im posting? x.x
Tmr i die alrd. x.x
posted on Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 2:30 AM |
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8days to exams. And somehow i cant get myself motivated to study. Well done Ven.
Happy belated birthday (at least at the point of posting) to Sam. I still quite jealous of u getting that w995 before me. Anyway, look forward to saturday la u.
Changing my blog playlist in progress. Maybe changing skin.
Girl, Lets be together forever, shall we? (:
posted on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 1:11 AM |
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Finally. 4 days of being a promoter at Harvey Norman Expo is officially.
OVER. Bye Aching legs. But the frens that i made there, yea kinda will miss these 4 days. Especially how everyone hated the food for the first day (Prison Food). Tired legs. Shall Sleep soon.
Looking forward to saturday. Sam, Grats on getting the phone u wanted. (Damn u, i wan that phone too. ;wild)
Yes, I'll be more than willing to give up the world for you.(:
Germaine.. Hope u'll stay happy too yea? and meet up soon lei. x.x
Anonzx: Erm. I cant say. (:
It all began on 0808. (:
posted on Sunday, August 9, 2009 at 1:20 AM |
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2 days of work passed. Tiring. Especially the legs. Aching like i dunno wad to say. But got to know alot of new people these past 2 days.
Updates about my life? Other than me working for the expo event? Nth much. Audi-cpled Gracia today. Well. And Fam's giving me problems again. Cold war in fam is like hitting its climax. Sigh.
Off to bed. Nights.
-Although we could not do as promised. But one thing's for sure. I'll treasure you.-
posted on Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 1:06 AM |
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To those that wan cpl me, or to frens that wan intro girl to me...
The girl must be:
1. 15-17
2. Decent
3. Mature
4. Good-looking (aka chio)
5. Below 48kg.
6. Doesnt Smoke.
Then u guys must be thinking why i have so many requirements when im not even a good guy myself.
Well thats because... I've let a very perfect girl pass by, and i doubt i will ever find a girl as good as her again...
posted on Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at 12:13 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Took a long bus ride today, and realised alot of things.
Especially the fact that, my closest of frieds are there when i needed them.
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