posted on Monday, August 17, 2009 at 3:25 AM |
0 cmnt/s
The event: I went to cut my hair (thin, that is).
The good thing: at least my hair isnt that messy and thick now.
The bad thing: I think my fringe is screwed. Simply put, my hair's worse now.
Want a pic of me with the new hair? Look below.

Special thanks to my laptop's webcam.
Sam's birthday event made me realise 2 things. One, i am actually a fail in life, considering how fail my organisation is. Two, I am spending alot of money these days. Spending 0 while at sam's house. Go out for movie? Whole wallet almost emptied. And ofcos, poor ven, gets bullied by -Silence-, as usual. The Taopoks and all that, explains why.
Exams in less than a week. Seesh.
And before i forget. Ytd went to watch GI Joe with zh, sam, alvin, vince, teckhwee and her. Due to some unforseen circumstances (more like sabo), yea went to take the seat with her, as in the side seats, oni got 2 seats de. The show's kinda nice, and ofcos the injection of humor is not too much, but at very appropriate timing.
Lets see. Somebody's wishlist got almost totally fufilled ytd hor? ;P
Girl, just know, Ven is madly in love with you. (: