where the story ends

posted on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 1:11 AM | 0 cmnt/s

Finally. 4 days of being a promoter at Harvey Norman Expo is officially. OVER. Bye Aching legs. But the frens that i made there, yea kinda will miss these 4 days. Especially how everyone hated the food for the first day (Prison Food). Tired legs. Shall Sleep soon.

Looking forward to saturday. Sam, Grats on getting the phone u wanted. (Damn u, i wan that phone too. ;wild)


Yes, I'll be more than willing to give up the world for you.(:

Germaine.. Hope u'll stay happy too yea? and meet up soon lei. x.x

Anonzx: Erm. I cant say. (:

It all began on 0808. (:
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