posted on Monday, August 24, 2009 at 3:09 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Well, just a short update on things.
Firstly. Im being dumb, having my second and last paper in like, 11hours time and yet not sleeping.
Secondly.. Bros u all should know about it. Its regarding sam. Some things happened that sparked a very radical change in him. And he claims that only a miracle can change him. Well sam. Some words for u. I believe miracles can be made by us. Provided we are willing to change. Yes its good to see you change, no longer going to era and stuff. But then again, because of a few childish people, why cause urself to become an anti? And incase u haven notice, hurting us brothers is nothing, hurting ur close frens is nothing. As in, nothing comparable to how u hurt a girl that u once loved and longed to be with?
Thirdly... Fam shirt updates done, Silencers please go to fam blog ( to view the proposed shirt designs.
Lastly... A picture.