posted on Monday, June 29, 2009 at 8:44 AM |
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"The fam's in a mess because the master only cares about himself.."
"Its time to do some reflection.."
"U're just an irresponsible person that runs away from problems.."
These 3 sentences really hit me hard.
There again, i feel i fail as a Fam Master. So i passed to ariel and left.
Imagine seeing ur frens and ur fam in a mess and yet u are unable to do anything about it...
Being firm, i would overdo it and people would say i only care about myself.
Not being firm, and people would say im not firm enough.
To all that is involved in this mess. (I dowan to list down names, u all know who u are.) Please settle this tgt. Msn, audi, phone, wadever, just sit down and talk tgt.
I promise i'll be back...
posted on Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 10:54 PM |
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And Ven's officially a member of -MeToYou-. For now.
Im fking tired, and sick.
posted on Friday, June 26, 2009 at 11:26 PM |
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Ven's had enough.
Recently, the whole of -Silence- has been giving lots of probs. Its already to the point that i alrd said:
"Hmmm i guess this is the first time u see a fam master that hates his own fam ba. So wad do u think he should do? Pass master away or just disband this fam?"
So if complaining/whining (wadever u put it) in fam about ur own form and u're not happy, what about u forcing ppl to pei u and stuff. Like:
"Ven, lai." Den when i nid go do sth. "NO. Stay one more game"
"Ven lai see. She very pro de."
So what if she's pro. Pro right. Okay noted. Nxt time let her play fb. Simple. Dunid put in such a way that i never see will die right?
Plus what happen a few days ago, the fb, wrong topic and ubp incident... Pls la. I had enough already.
Thank you -Silence-, _l_ And after awhile, I realised, the fam's problems do not even involve me at all. But i still got dragged in...
Anyways, this nxt bit is dedicated to somebody.
Hey girl. Whatever that has happened. Its not entirely your fault. However, its ur actions that made everybody have the wrong impression of you. When has escapism been the solution to problems? In fact, you escaping from whatever thats happening now will only make people hate you even more. Like i said, its not too late to turn back now. But if u were to run further, it will be too late.
Even though everybody's version of the story all agree that the problem lies with you, that doesnt make you damned, and that doesnt mean that u have to exit everybody's life. Where's the strong cheryl that claim to be a guy that i used to know?
Then, this next bit is dedicated to another somebody.
Yes, she has offended you by her actions, but do understand her background. Predominantly girl, no guys, in audi all her girlfriends quitted audi, very few left, blah.
Sometimes, she's just like icy- she puts the blame on things on herself. Because of this she's really, genuinely feeling bad, no questions asked. Doubt her all u wan, but im going to say that its true. Although this time its her actions thats the problem, but i just have to say, do put urself in her shoes- how will u feel?
2 Miracles happened today. Went to cheryl's house. And kena throw truckloads of homework.
And met her parents.
posted on Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 4:00 AM |
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I feel such a failure. Look at the fam outing today. What the hell happen? A Brothers outing. With the same bros. And ofcos that sis in law. I Swear never to organise a fam outing ever again.
Many things happened in the fam today. Talking about it just makes me wanna puke blood. I never get respected. (Finally let it out, thats what i really feel) And People still dare to kpkb when they alrd did something wrong before that. Haish, wad to do? Sit down there and do nothing i guess.
Well. My audi title reads, "Thank You -Silence-. _l_". And it'll be very soon that i break down coz of my own fam.
Daypig... No matter how many times i pangseh,
I cannot have my mind with me,
Coz its with you.
posted on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 at 6:25 AM |
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Currently awake like some mad dog. Tired but dowan to sleep. Looks like bus seat is my bed again. ahaha.
Going to wildwildwet later. Hope i can meet somebody before that. (heh.)
For most people, as time passes, feelings fade. As for me... i just realise, i fall deeper and deeper in love with u as time flies.
posted on Tuesday, June 23, 2009 at 2:11 AM |
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Been days since i last updated. This is already the 2nd week of hols. And i still have my assignments to complete.
Speaking of which, went over to woodlands to finish filming for our chse assignment. Had alot of spastic moments. Went zh house after that. Speaking of which, thanks to cher (qingyi) for showing me the way to 349, and apologies to zh for being unable to resolve ur laptop issues. Yea kinda gave zh a bu coaching session, den slept...
After lunch, usual hangout again... Alone. Took the bus ride as an opportunity to catch up on sleep. Well it worked. So yea. Bought f1 at era, den audied until 10-odd, and went home.
Www on wednesday, anybody else wan go? (girls only, :x Nah, guys also can msg me.)
posted on Friday, June 19, 2009 at 12:35 AM |
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Just came back from 3/4 faith chalet.. Fun. Dam.
First day, went over at night after era-ing. Played pool, makan, and played dota at the chalet while the rest of the guys were either sleeping, mugging their jc stuff, or playing psp. Till morning, had breakfast, slept....................
Den went back, many of the guys came back, and had a semi-er-i-dk-how-to-say bbq. The supplier messed up the orders, but the guys managed to buy food to bbq. Then went home.
Looks boring, but fun.
Me love daypig btw. <3
posted on Monday, June 15, 2009 at 1:37 PM |
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Heres our very own fail picture, taken from -Silence- fam blog.

posted on Saturday, June 13, 2009 at 2:25 PM |
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Many outings with the bros these days... Lets see, where shall we start.
Okay the east coast outing. 4thbro (sw) FINALLY came with us out! Thats the good thing. the bad thing... i oni joined them very late. coz i had my tests. #$(@ anyways, when i arrived, zh was like, his bag got stolen. he's lucky that his valuables are intact, but... his brothers' bag... (pats). Den went to era (as usual, like wad sam said, most outings with me around=go era.), yea played the usual. Bought free1 that day, was kinda elated inside. (so long nv buy channel le, den suddenly pop up 1 day f2 nxt day f1.) And so it was fb day. (funny thing is, its ALWAYS fb day when sw the great comes online. ;o) Owned with the power of the brothers, and... got owned by 3rd party user program users, aka, HACKERS. 1 shot 55fp gone. AH wells. Went home, fell asleep on the train...
Then, sent ben off at the airport ytd... Me is epic fail. To get to airport by bus, i kehkiang think at loyang ave got bus to change after taking 59... Sms until overshot, realise mus cross road to take 53. So i took all the way to changi village. Den took 2 out of there, had to go through the whole stretch of ulu upper changi. Which includes going past Changi Prison. And den took 24. reached. Well, wave byebye to ben, coz he alrd went in. Damn. Then the bros decided to go to era. Which left cher stoned. Okay, at era, same thing lo. 3v3 with randy and xalve, complete ownage. Did i forget to mention, police came to era? Apparently to find a guy that ran away from home... Dinner at the kopitiam beside legends, den went to kap with cher for her 'tuition'. (yea right, tuition my foot. throw me all ur hmwk. LOL.)
Era again with the bros. Looks like dota v computer again. Sigh.
Btw daypig im not evil ):
posted on Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 9:52 AM |
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Warning: this post is image-heavy.
Done this out of boredom in PEE lecture.

I just wanna say sth.
-twenty two, lovelove. (:-
posted on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 1:03 AM |
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Many things happened. And my mood just went downhill.
Started with the brothers' outing, which ended up to be a complete EPIC FAIL. (became better gradually). All 6 brothers supposed to go, end up, only brothers 1,2,3 went. 6 Turned up later, but to me, its just... Nevermind. Played with sand (and disiaoed cheryl as usual), Slacked at bk watching zh eat.. Den left for white sands to pick sam up. Ate at superdog, and off to era. Many craps happened, such as teasing cheryl and stuff.
Era-ed until somewhere like, 12, and then cabbed home. Yes, the tour around singapore again.
Then there was today. I wanted to find the brothers. And they did too many things which simply made myself feel useless.
Lesson learnt these few days: What lies beneath most strong people is their fragile self.
posted on Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 3:28 PM |
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Im feeling so mooodless all of a sudden, and my 'cant be bothered with things' attitude has come back to haunt me.
posted on Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 11:46 PM |
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Somebody miss my posts sia. ;P so im here to post on sth thats super contradictory.
First. Take 56 to toa payoh from bishan interchange, then take 57 or 59 to toa payoh from bishan interchange. Why does taking 56 take longer to reach, even though it has the shortest route?
Answer: Because all the drivers driving 56 are old aunties and uncles, and they naturally drive slowly. yes this is dam lame, got it from my uncle, quite awhile back.
Now speaking of 56, i am reminded of this bus auntie (driver), who in a sense, has seen me grown up. Well since young she was on good terms with my auntie, always chatting with her about anything under the sun, and also having wonderful experiences with me as a child. I would always remember her calling me xiaodidi, even till today. Well more than 10 years later, she's still driving 56 around, but now that my auntie stays at home very often, those times have since disappeared. But everytime i took the bus she drove, that wave both boarding and alighting the bus does bring back all these wonderful memories. She's still as young as ever, more than a decade later. If only my auntie was still as active as before...
Kay geesh, what the hell was the above 2 paras for? anyways, life is as usual, routine-ly interesting...
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