posted on Saturday, June 13, 2009 at 2:25 PM |
0 cmnt/s
Many outings with the bros these days... Lets see, where shall we start.
Okay the east coast outing. 4thbro (sw) FINALLY came with us out! Thats the good thing. the bad thing... i oni joined them very late. coz i had my tests. #$(@ anyways, when i arrived, zh was like, his bag got stolen. he's lucky that his valuables are intact, but... his brothers' bag... (pats). Den went to era (as usual, like wad sam said, most outings with me around=go era.), yea played the usual. Bought free1 that day, was kinda elated inside. (so long nv buy channel le, den suddenly pop up 1 day f2 nxt day f1.) And so it was fb day. (funny thing is, its ALWAYS fb day when sw the great comes online. ;o) Owned with the power of the brothers, and... got owned by 3rd party user program users, aka, HACKERS. 1 shot 55fp gone. AH wells. Went home, fell asleep on the train...
Then, sent ben off at the airport ytd... Me is epic fail. To get to airport by bus, i kehkiang think at loyang ave got bus to change after taking 59... Sms until overshot, realise mus cross road to take 53. So i took all the way to changi village. Den took 2 out of there, had to go through the whole stretch of ulu upper changi. Which includes going past Changi Prison. And den took 24. reached. Well, wave byebye to ben, coz he alrd went in. Damn. Then the bros decided to go to era. Which left cher stoned. Okay, at era, same thing lo. 3v3 with randy and xalve, complete ownage. Did i forget to mention, police came to era? Apparently to find a guy that ran away from home... Dinner at the kopitiam beside legends, den went to kap with cher for her 'tuition'. (yea right, tuition my foot. throw me all ur hmwk. LOL.)
Era again with the bros. Looks like dota v computer again. Sigh.
Btw daypig im not evil ):