posted on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 1:03 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Many things happened. And my mood just went downhill.
Started with the brothers' outing, which ended up to be a complete EPIC FAIL. (became better gradually). All 6 brothers supposed to go, end up, only brothers 1,2,3 went. 6 Turned up later, but to me, its just... Nevermind. Played with sand (and disiaoed cheryl as usual), Slacked at bk watching zh eat.. Den left for white sands to pick sam up. Ate at superdog, and off to era. Many craps happened, such as teasing cheryl and stuff.
Era-ed until somewhere like, 12, and then cabbed home. Yes, the tour around singapore again.
Then there was today. I wanted to find the brothers. And they did too many things which simply made myself feel useless.
Lesson learnt these few days: What lies beneath most strong people is their fragile self.