posted on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 12:03 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Belinder why u sabo me with quiz.. Nevermind i shall do ;D
10' Are you's
1.Are you single - Apparently Not. ;o
2.Are you happy - Very? (dun call me siao)
3.Are you bored - Very.
4.Are you fair - Er. Not really ;o
5.Are you italian -Do i look italian?
6.Are you intelligent - Nah. Im a dumbass ;D
7.Are you honest - Sometimes. ;o
8.Are you nice - Only to ppl who treat me nicely ;o
9.Are you Irish - Erm no. (Hello quizmaker, are u discriminating towards irish?
10' Facts about you.
1.Full name - Khoo Kok Jie (why did my mum give me this name)
2.Nickname - Ven, Sven, Kj, Lucy (DUN ASK WHY ==)
3.Birth place - Singapore? ;x
4.Hair colour - Natural black.
5.Natural hair style - Semi-muushroom head.
6.Eye colour - black
7.Date of birth - 12 May 1992, Guess u all will not give me any pressies.
8.Mood - Mostly happy ;o
9.Favourite Colour(s) - Black? ;o
10.One place you like to visit - No interest. ;x
10'questions about my love life.
1.Have you ever been in love - Yes.
2.Do you believe in love at first sight - Yes.
3.Do you currently have a crush - No (coz im attached ;o)
4.Have you ever been hurt emotionally - Yes. That sucked.
5.Have you ever broken someone's heart - Yes also. ;o
6.Have you have your heart broken - Yes to this question as well.
7.Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Yes also. ;o
8.Are you afraid of commitment - Finally, a No.
9.Who was the last person you hug - Guess ;o
10.Who was the last person you said I love you to - Liyee ;o
10'this or that
1.Love of lust - Love
2Hard liquor or beer - Hard Liquor
3.Cat or Dog - Cats (everyone knows im scared of dogs)
4.A few best friends or regular friends - I want both.
5.Creamy or crunchy - Crunchy.
6.Pencil or Pen - Pen.
7.Wild night out or a romantic night in - Wild night out.
8.Money or happiness - Happiness.
9.Night or day - Night (im a night owl ;o)
10.IM or phone - Phone.
10'Have you ever's
1.Been caught sneaking out - Never. Coz i jus go out liddat.
2.Seen a polar bear - Does TV count?
3.Done something you regret - Yes.
4.Bungee jump - Never.
5.Eaten food that fell on the floor - Thats disgusting.
6.Finished entire jaw breaker - Wads a jaw breaker?
7.Been caught naked - Never. (Phew)
8.Wanted an ex gf/bf back - In the past, yes.
9.Cried bcos you lost a pet - I never owned pets.
10.Wanted to disappear - Last time, now, no.
10'preferences in a patner
1.Smile or eyes - Can i have both?
2.Light or dark hair - Depends, if its good on her, its enough ;D
3.Hugs or kisses - Both. ;x
4.Shorter or taller - Imagine tiptoing to kiss a girl. -.-
5.Intelligent or Attraction - Both Please.
6.Topman or zara - Erm...
7.Funny or serious - A bit of Both.
8.Older or younger - Younger please.
9.Outgoing or quiet - Outgoing ;x
10.Sweet or bad - Sweet.
10'Have you's
1.Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yes .
2.Ever talked on the phone for longer than 1 hr - My record was frm 12am to 5.30am.
3.Ever walk on hands - Im not an acrobat.
4.Ever been to a rock concert - No. Very noisy.
5.Ever been in a cheerleading team - EE.
6.Ever been in dance team - No.
7.Ever been in sports team - Swim team. Back during competitive swimming days.
8.Ever been in a drama play/production - School one only.
9.Ever owned o BWW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bentley- In the first place, i not legal to drive.
10.Ever been in a rap video - Nice question.
1.Last phone call you made - On Phone with Liyee ;D
2.Last person you hugged- Guess ;o
3.Last person you hung out with - The guys at era. ;o
4.Last time you worked - At lesat 2years ago.
5.Last person you talked to - Liyee ;o
6.Last person you IM'D - Doreen Jie ;D
7.Last person you text - Liyee, and im still texting her now.
8.Last person you went movie with - Er. In a group.
9.Last person/thing you missed - Can i not say? ;o
10.Last website you visited - Belinder's blog. TO copy and paste the quiz questions.
Yes. done. AT LAST.
EDIT: I forgot to tag 10 ppl to do this quiz.
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
6. F
7. G
8. H
9. I
10. Liyee.
posted on Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 12:55 PM |
0 cmnt/s
Some overdue pics frm fam bbq. there's 4 only, so yea.

Sw, Leonard (~BlackHawk~), Myself, Part1.


Ariel (~WhiteDove~) and myself.
Den there's times that u will kena toupai? or wadever? Hah here it is.

posted on Monday, March 23, 2009 at 3:35 AM |
0 cmnt/s
WOW. Its been ages since i last blogged?
Life is the same. Wake up, use lappy, go era, go home, sleep. Ofcourse, with eating, peeing and the occasional shitting. -.- How boring cna that be?
Well, after breaking with elicia, I broke my promise.. Found a new cpl. Wonder if it'll really last. Praying for the best? Well at least, i've given myself a chance to experience love again? Ah ven, stop crapping -.-
Now even audiing is so boring, i went back to maple. Den i got hacked by a so called maple gf. Ah well, item gone, slack first, only recently bought some tempo items back. Ah wells. Im beginning to miss sch life. Even tho i swore never to go back to phs, because of the many unhappy memories there. FASTER 20APRIL CAN PLS???
Shall post some pics another day. Til then, cya (:
posted on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 10:25 AM |
0 cmnt/s
This post is dedicated to u... (U know who u are so yea.)
Wells 2 days le, since we've become like this. U told me, to find u once i figured out wad u thought was wrong with me.. Wells. Im uncertain if its correct or not. But all i know is. Its everything. Especially the fact that i always seem to seek advice before doing anything- that is, i have no stand. Also, its especially coz i dun seem committed. These 2 stand out the most, but all in all, everything's wrong with me...
Do u know... How much it hurts to see u like this? I only can blame myself now, for bringing us to this state... Instead of continuing on like this... Can we overcome this obstacle together? Instead of being like this... Lets solve this problem between us together. And from now on, i will no longer be the Ven of the past/present anymore...
Baby, wad i need now... Is a chance to prove things to u... So please, will u give me that chance, and the time, to change into a much better person, compared to the bleddy bastard ven that u see now?
All these punishments and everything, they were done willingly.. coz, iloveyou.
posted on Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 7:32 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Its just 1 more day before we officially are together for exactly one month..
Well baby, throughout this month, u made me learn alot. About life, as well as about myself. Only by being with u did i realise, how noob i was in relationships... Ur reactions to everything, especially to my mistakes and flaws, Yes they're hurting, Yes, they made me feel hurt at times, but.. i know meant well..
Baby, for our second month, i promise u, i'll slowly, but surely, evolve into the guy that u wanted me to be. Sure, it takes some time, but gradually, i'll learn from all my past mistakes and everything. Like how u said u dun feel secure with me, I'll eventually make u feel secure with me around. Slowly, all my flaws, like my inmaturity, as u said- they'll all be gone, and trust me, we'll eventually return to the days we just became attached-sweet and super duper close...
Coz, yours truely is willing to change.. But all he nids, is a little bit of the element called time... To prove, my love for u is true. Baby, trust in me, will u?
In a day's advance.. Happy 1st Month, kaiqi baby...
posted on Thursday, March 5, 2009 at 11:53 PM |
0 cmnt/s
One moment, u treat me so nice. The next, u start pushing me away...
Wad am i to u.
Ah finally, i got my blog up and running. Screwed the previous one coz my blogger got hacked into...
So everyone out there mus be wondering, how's life for me? Well... Its a roller coaster. Sometimes it sucks, sometimes it rocks... Time flies. Its almost gonna be a month since i cpled elicia. All i wonder, will she like wad im gonna prepare for her? And if she can even go out on that day...
Anw, other stuff-wise, i've returned to maple, tho not to cass. I went to aqulia, together with ppc and co. And among us, ppc is the most maple siao of the lot- chiong until now lv60 already. Lagged behind these few days, coz i was busy chionging hearts as part of a surprise. ;O Soloed lp today, first try sucked, oni give me 1 sync. Den 2nd try, give me 9 sync. -.-! Anws, im now having that stupid gold ring again, which gives me the motivation to chiong to aster.
Guess its time i gone to sleep. Kinda tired.
Ps: I've lost alot of links ever since my previous blog got screwed. SO do tag me to be linked. (:
Ps: My actions, doesnt reflect on me hating u. I know u're secretly waiting for me, but all i can say is, for now, we can only be close friends at the most...
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