posted on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 12:03 AM |
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Belinder why u sabo me with quiz.. Nevermind i shall do ;D
10' Are you's
1.Are you single - Apparently Not. ;o
2.Are you happy - Very? (dun call me siao)
3.Are you bored - Very.
4.Are you fair - Er. Not really ;o
5.Are you italian -Do i look italian?
6.Are you intelligent - Nah. Im a dumbass ;D
7.Are you honest - Sometimes. ;o
8.Are you nice - Only to ppl who treat me nicely ;o
9.Are you Irish - Erm no. (Hello quizmaker, are u discriminating towards irish?
10' Facts about you.
1.Full name - Khoo Kok Jie (why did my mum give me this name)
2.Nickname - Ven, Sven, Kj, Lucy (DUN ASK WHY ==)
3.Birth place - Singapore? ;x
4.Hair colour - Natural black.
5.Natural hair style - Semi-muushroom head.
6.Eye colour - black
7.Date of birth - 12 May 1992, Guess u all will not give me any pressies.
8.Mood - Mostly happy ;o
9.Favourite Colour(s) - Black? ;o
10.One place you like to visit - No interest. ;x
10'questions about my love life.
1.Have you ever been in love - Yes.
2.Do you believe in love at first sight - Yes.
3.Do you currently have a crush - No (coz im attached ;o)
4.Have you ever been hurt emotionally - Yes. That sucked.
5.Have you ever broken someone's heart - Yes also. ;o
6.Have you have your heart broken - Yes to this question as well.
7.Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Yes also. ;o
8.Are you afraid of commitment - Finally, a No.
9.Who was the last person you hug - Guess ;o
10.Who was the last person you said I love you to - Liyee ;o
10'this or that
1.Love of lust - Love
2Hard liquor or beer - Hard Liquor
3.Cat or Dog - Cats (everyone knows im scared of dogs)
4.A few best friends or regular friends - I want both.
5.Creamy or crunchy - Crunchy.
6.Pencil or Pen - Pen.
7.Wild night out or a romantic night in - Wild night out.
8.Money or happiness - Happiness.
9.Night or day - Night (im a night owl ;o)
10.IM or phone - Phone.
10'Have you ever's
1.Been caught sneaking out - Never. Coz i jus go out liddat.
2.Seen a polar bear - Does TV count?
3.Done something you regret - Yes.
4.Bungee jump - Never.
5.Eaten food that fell on the floor - Thats disgusting.
6.Finished entire jaw breaker - Wads a jaw breaker?
7.Been caught naked - Never. (Phew)
8.Wanted an ex gf/bf back - In the past, yes.
9.Cried bcos you lost a pet - I never owned pets.
10.Wanted to disappear - Last time, now, no.
10'preferences in a patner
1.Smile or eyes - Can i have both?
2.Light or dark hair - Depends, if its good on her, its enough ;D
3.Hugs or kisses - Both. ;x
4.Shorter or taller - Imagine tiptoing to kiss a girl. -.-
5.Intelligent or Attraction - Both Please.
6.Topman or zara - Erm...
7.Funny or serious - A bit of Both.
8.Older or younger - Younger please.
9.Outgoing or quiet - Outgoing ;x
10.Sweet or bad - Sweet.
10'Have you's
1.Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yes .
2.Ever talked on the phone for longer than 1 hr - My record was frm 12am to 5.30am.
3.Ever walk on hands - Im not an acrobat.
4.Ever been to a rock concert - No. Very noisy.
5.Ever been in a cheerleading team - EE.
6.Ever been in dance team - No.
7.Ever been in sports team - Swim team. Back during competitive swimming days.
8.Ever been in a drama play/production - School one only.
9.Ever owned o BWW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bentley- In the first place, i not legal to drive.
10.Ever been in a rap video - Nice question.
1.Last phone call you made - On Phone with Liyee ;D
2.Last person you hugged- Guess ;o
3.Last person you hung out with - The guys at era. ;o
4.Last time you worked - At lesat 2years ago.
5.Last person you talked to - Liyee ;o
6.Last person you IM'D - Doreen Jie ;D
7.Last person you text - Liyee, and im still texting her now.
8.Last person you went movie with - Er. In a group.
9.Last person/thing you missed - Can i not say? ;o
10.Last website you visited - Belinder's blog. TO copy and paste the quiz questions.
Yes. done. AT LAST.
EDIT: I forgot to tag 10 ppl to do this quiz.
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
6. F
7. G
8. H
9. I
10. Liyee.