Inner thoughts.
posted on Monday, December 27, 2010 at 12:22 AM |
0 cmnt/s

Finally found some time to blog. First and foremost, even though its already 2 days late, I would like to wish everyone a belated merry christmas, let us all look forward to 2011, because 2010 was just too crappy. (:
How i spent my christmas... On the eve, I went over to charmain's house for the techcrew's potluck party. Reached there kinda late, but had a lot of fun together. However, there seemed to be too much food, so yea..
Ended up staying over, but kinda disappointed someone in the process. >.>
As for the day of Christmas, I didnt go for the iceskating thing, neither did i crash at joshyap's place. Felt kinda bad. In the evening however, I met up with JoshLoh at batok to play pool.
While waiting for him, it rained super heavily, to the point that i got drench even when i was standing inside the shelter. Add the factors like being alone in the bus stop, shivering like mad even though I'm wearing longsleeves, and recieving kinda cold replies, and you get retribution for ven. Eventually, he reached, and the rain subsided.
Played pool, then headed down to khakabo to ton the night. Supper before that.
While at khakabo, josh wanted to find cpl, so I helped him make room. Liling saw, and helped, but before that, josh found a 'F> Horny guy' room, and entered.
Josh: Hi, merry christmas!
Girl: hihi.
Girl: so late haven't sleep?
Josh: yea haven't.
Girl: Oh, hahas.
Josh: I'm Josuha, nice to meet you.
Girl: I'm Jxxxx (censor name for privacy's sake), nice to meet you too.
Josh: how old are you?
Girl: 32
-Josh exits room, shows me a wtf face-
Slept for awhile at there too, and then had breakfast, then headed home.
For the next few days, i'd be rotting at home. >.>