
The name: Ven
Turns One Year older every 12 May
3rd year @ Ngee Ann Poly, CPEE
Admin of SGRhymix
Also an anime lover, and there's no stopping that.
Veltin(T2), Veltin-R (Jubeat), Symphonize (PDA)
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Not all of you would have witnessed what happened,
but the times spent together did make me feel better today...
Like Saddy Said,
Today was the day where we could see, with our own eyes, how the TechCrew is united.
Ven is an irritant,
he's loud, scolds the most vulgarities, is hyperactive, etc.
For all these, I'd apologise if any of these had made you guys feel irritated.
But all I can say now is,
Ven will always be here, Ven will always be looking after you guys.
No such thing as 'competition',
cause we are, after all,
a F.A.M.I.L.Y.
Dear ian,
Do you know, that you have always been an elder brother to me.
All throughout my life, Many people around treat me as elder,
but nobody was really there to be that 'elder brother' that i Never had,
the one who would take care of me.
Thanks for being there for me through all the darkest periods,
Thanks for accepting all my flaws,
and most importantly,
Thanks for being that 'elder bro' that I never had.
NS is here for you, takecares when u're in camp.
And when u book out, we'll still have all the fun that we always had,
right bro?
Hi saddy..
First to say, apologies for spamming your msn with ridiculous pictures/posts/whatever.
But I'm really glad I've met you, Glad that u've entered the family,
because you bring fun and joy to everyone around you.
Remember my advice:
Don't wait till its too late, Don't become like me.
Oh wait, remember this too.
Ven will always be here for you, however irritating you might find me to be.
Hi Subgirlf,
from the time that we first met at T1 till today, you've always been the one to bring smiles to the crew.
Despite how fked up my life is,
you still choose to be there.
You still choose to listen to whatever grieviances i have.
That always helps.. Even though it seems like im giving you more burdens.
Stay strong, stay happy okay? I dont wanna see the person who brings smiles, sad herself. (:
Yo Bro...
we're at the same boat... well at least until today.
I know u're trying hard too..
Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.
More importantly, jiayous in wooing her,
but if anything happens,
Ven is always here. I'm just an sms or msn away okay?
Gambaru, Bro.
From 22may till today, its been a really long period of time.
But despite all the bad things that happen,
we're still able to resolve all these, right?
Although we cant be together now,
at least we're still best of siblings.
Apologies for not heeding your advice, scold me for all you want.
I'm thankful that you entered my life,
because you did the job that hardly any people would do;
To get to know me better, and then be there for me no matter what happens.
I want you to be happy.
One word sums it all: Gome.
I still feel guilty, because i kinda indirectly broke your heart.
Probably you'll hate me for it now, I'll accept that.
But if you need any listening ear, go to your contacts, search for 'Ven'
I'll be here, whether to let you whack me, or to be your listening ear.
Things have happened already.
Don't lose your heart because of this.
I'd blame myself more if you did that.
Remember i told you just now,
I was a coward. I was a fool.
I was afraid that If i did tell you face to face, I would even lose the friendship that we already have.
And I Paid my Price.
Still, I'd say this:
Regardless of how you view me as,
always remember, Ven can be irritating, Ven can be a pest,
but Ven will be more than willing to listen to all your grieviances.
I'll probably say this thing here ba.
Hi Liling, I Love You.
There's no way I'll give up until all hopes are killed.
On the same note, there's no way u'll be able to avoid this situation either.