where the story ends

School's tmr.
posted on Sunday, October 24, 2010 at 2:33 AM | 0 cmnt/s

Disclaimer, this blog post is by popular demand (you know who you are), and thus shall not have any pictures.

Currently, im camming with somebody, who has just showed me her WHOLE soft toys collection, her mug, her pillow, her domo, aiya, juts basically her whole room lah. And i can tell u, she's super kawaii, even her Chip is not as kawaii as she is.

Most importantly, she's always there for me whenever something happens, always the first to tell me, 'hey, things are gonna be okay'. Most importantly, SHE LOVES ME. LOL.

Okay, cyas.

Edit, By popular demand again.

Hai GermaineKhongZhiYu, ur big big name is here already. DONT COMPRAIN. And yes, I love You. SO DONT COMPLAIN! LOL.

-jeesh i sound very cheesy-

Edit again, this time willingly.

I'm Still not asleep. GG.com. Sigh.

I've always failed to find a balance for everything.
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