The name: Ven
Turns One Year older every 12 May
3rd year @ Ngee Ann Poly, CPEE
Admin of SGRhymix
Also an anime lover, and there's no stopping that.
Veltin(T2), Veltin-R (Jubeat), Symphonize (PDA)
posted on Monday, October 18, 2010 at 1:12 AM | 0 cmnt/s
There's just that half of me, telling me to give you, give myself, give us a chance.
As for that horrid past i have, It appears that some of it still retains. Give me some time, I'll get rid of all those, plus do some soul-searching for myself too.
Anyway, Vince if u're reading this, i can only say, thanks a lot.. Your words really helped me a lot. (: