The source of Inspiration.
posted on Monday, August 2, 2010 at 1:07 AM |
0 cmnt/s

My 95% Completed CRC Art piece. Because the paperclips were too short to go through the last 4 squares...
For the past few days, it felt as if i was living in ToaPayoh. Simply because here i am at my cousin's working on CRC all the way. For tonight, i cant get any sleep, because of the hassle that's gonna happen later: Home > Cousin's (to collect the art piece) > School. So its yet another zombie mode.
Recently, during the little free time I have, it was more or less playing a new Msea Pserver, AlcoveSEA. Well simply because audition's being a retard by running their never ending server checks.. Those were the days, when i was a mapletard... Brings back the memories.
As for now, im back to my CRC Written component. Ciao Guys.
Oh wait, a maple ss. O.O