One more to go.
posted on Tuesday, August 3, 2010 at 8:57 PM |
0 cmnt/s
Today is gonna be a photo post. Seriously, there are too many photos today.
Overslept for CRC, which is a bad thing, since its supposed to be presentation today. Think i alr kena deducted marks for that. Ah well, the thing to look forward to now is thursday, lebm presentation day, and that means study break.
Speaking of LEBM presentation, this means another reason to get my mum to allow me to get... more clothes. Because of my habit of taking the first shirt that i see in my clothes drawer (yes i store them that way), i end up wearing the same few stuff... Kinda feels boring so to speak. Hope my mum will understand this part. ;x
After INC, did the foundation for the LEBM 3D floor plan, den headed to coussie's. Overslept in the bus as usual, but at least its one stop only. Why im coming over to coussie's is simply because of the fact that my home internet is getting cocked up, and my mum's not doing anything about it. Sigh.
Time for the photos.

Hi Miss May!

The 3 Models.

The 3 Models, with our dear Dr Karuna.

Borrowing Josh's shirt for this. Seriously, This is a good pic except for the facial expression. ;x

Ms Jean and I.

Being caught on cam during INC. LOL.

Being caught on camera, part 2.

This is T02, the class that never fails to bring laughter to boring lessons. (:
Rest of the photos are up on my facebook. (: