posted on Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 5:15 PM |
0 cmnt/s
I hope i'll be okay..
Grave Consequences
Hi guys.
These few days is just... rollercoaster i guess. For one moment im very hyper and noisy, and the next moment, something happens and i just turn emo. Im not surprised if u all were to say i am pmsing. But whatever.
Anyway, yesterday was ben's 'farewell' steamboat before he goes into tekong. That steamboat was also the first time in quite a long while that i have seen the guys (and 1 crazy girl) alr, but to be honest, the feeling's lost alr. In the past i used to be the one that apparently lead everything (and created the most trouble), now its.. meh.
Other than ben (and probably teckhwee), i dont seem to have any bond with any of them now, us being so busy and everything.
Throughout the many times that I was left alone, i just had to think through my life. How pathethic is its state now? What else can i do to salvage things? I cant seem to find any answers, even if there were so many hints ard me.
Then after the steamboat, we ended up tonning at chambers. Meh, usual thing, except, i made the biggest mistake ever. Flaring up at the person i love. Right now, i dont really dare to talk to her anymore, feeling very guilty, yet feelings for her are still strong. But at our current situation...
Im sorry.
posted on Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 12:09 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Currently not in the mood for anything...
And when i wanna get my comfort food... Closed early. Go to alternative. Closing. FML.
Maybe you dont realise how deeply i am in love with you.
posted on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 3:20 AM |
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Finally, a picture heavy post for you guys.
Pics were taken last saturday, during the technika crew's steamboat outing.
More pics are at facebook.

First shot of the day...

Me and Pas, aka joel.

Now wad drink is this? Guess pls.

Me and Joel, again. (I look retarded)

Eggyolk in spoon? Wut... (See all the hands)

I wonder wad was i doing...

This one...
Ian: I
Me: Want
Smiles: You
Joel: Random dance
The rest: Random poses everywhere

2hours later... Its just a little soup and clam shells.

So the guys went for ice cream...

Despo for ice cream...

Scooping Fail!

2 Nerds... Btw maurice's shirt reads...
"Remember, the Asshole is an exit, not an entrance.."

Do i look the most retarded here?


Wth is joel doing??
Right now, Exams are fking over... Wait thats not the end of the story.
A week of break... 2 weeks of boring internship... THEN the holidays begin.
So that leaves me with 1month to work? Who would hire for 1 month only sia...
Technika wise, just when i thought i reached my limit and retire in peace...
Heartbeat 794k
Electro 687k
Customizer 838k
Lastly, im removing the security booth that my blog used to have. Well, personally, i dont see any need to private my blog anymore, unless something happens.
Till the next post,
A day closer.
posted on Saturday, February 20, 2010 at 2:55 PM |
0 cmnt/s
I see everyday as one day closer to being together with you again.
A Silent Promise.
posted on Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 4:25 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Blogskin changed, No more sidescrolling, Looks much better now isnt it?
Exam mode now. Sigh. Monday 4pm. Thats where the 7day horliday starts.
Your presence alone is enough to make me smile, (:
posted on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 2:45 PM |
0 cmnt/s
Some random photos from my hp.

These 2 pictures show that, i actually look better with my hair up. O.O

They are playing chain note challenge...

Charmain Playing Mission20, part1

Part 2
The decision i made back then was stupid.
This time, I will never ever let you go.
posted on Friday, February 12, 2010 at 9:52 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Today, is the day.
After today i will go full fleged into cny and study mode.
posted on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 1:35 PM |
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Exams are coming, and im faced with this piece of crap...
Ah well, i shall focus on my CHLT first.
posted on Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 11:45 PM |
0 cmnt/s
Im just so tired of everything.
Well, i can try to advice ger, cheer her up..
But what's the point when i myself cant do what i tell her to?
Now i know never to play mindgames.
I'll just end up losing the girl i really love.
I promise u, i'll be back...
But im scared. Please have faith in me, will you? ):
posted on Monday, February 8, 2010 at 1:37 AM |
0 cmnt/s
First, I dont like how u treat me.
I never wanted to treat u this way...2. SOMETIMES then you treat me better.
I want to treat u that good everytime...3. You're like up and down, so good yet so bad.
I know... ):4. Im nt tht strong as you think.
If i dont know, why would i feel especially bad with the series of events now?5. I srsly hate your attitude towards me.
I know my attitude sucks...6. I aint gna be like last time. Ohyeah, im still as sensitive to e v e r y t h .
I understand...7. U gimme manyyyyyyyyyy fears.
I wish i could be like last time...8. Sometimes you dk your words actually hurtz me. ~_~
Deep down, i know... ):And lastly,
I dwna be your toy.
You never were, and i never ever treated you like one.At the end of the day, Im still loving you as i always did...
posted on Sunday, February 7, 2010 at 10:17 AM |
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At the end of the day,
It's all down to the last person standing.
Whatever that happens now doesnt change this fact.
that I love you.
posted on Friday, February 5, 2010 at 11:25 PM |
0 cmnt/s
What to do... except suck thumb.
Because of a series of events, i lost the girl i love.
What she doesn't know:
1. I found out about her boyfriend's blog...
2. I have a blog, and its private.
3. I was not 100% serious for certain reasons.
After yesterday's events... well i got more serious for i dont know why, and i jus couldn't bear to be hen xin... So now,
1. She still doesnt know i have this private blog.
In the meantime, i hope this would serve as a wake up call to her...
I just 'studied' her boyf's blog again...
It seems she's trying to push him away?
I wonder why...
And while doing that, he's leaving another girl hanging..
Ah well, guess i shant be kaypoh about this.
Fking exams are coming. Sigh..
posted on Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 9:35 PM |
0 cmnt/s
I miss it too...
Honestly, i kinda dun like how things have changed...
posted on Monday, February 1, 2010 at 1:22 PM |
0 cmnt/s
All i could say is,
The bond between them just isnt there anymore. I realised, i wasnt important.
I just want to get out of the mess im in.
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