posted on Friday, February 5, 2010 at 10:21 AM |
0 cmnt/s
What she doesn't know:
1. I found out about her boyfriend's blog...
2. I have a blog, and its private.
3. I was not 100% serious for certain reasons.
After yesterday's events... well i got more serious for i dont know why, and i jus couldn't bear to be hen xin... So now,
1. She still doesnt know i have this private blog.
In the meantime, i hope this would serve as a wake up call to her...
I just 'studied' her boyf's blog again...
It seems she's trying to push him away?
I wonder why...
And while doing that, he's leaving another girl hanging..
Ah well, guess i shant be kaypoh about this.
Fking exams are coming. Sigh..