posted on Friday, December 18, 2009 at 3:32 PM |
0 cmnt/s
Photo spam today. :)
First, i shall start with some technika photos.

Ivan playing Sweet Shining Shooting Star.

Ivan playing SSSS, part 2

My first time passing customizer. :D
Now for some chalet photos. (Ps for the dark and poor quality photos, coz my phone sucks.)

Cheryl Sng. Well... -.-

Zh the nerd. See his suspenders and nerd glasses.

Zh, alvin, and chicken wings.

Teckhwee and cheryl. Note the height difference.

Sam and lijun. Ahems.

Weeliam and Tiff. Ahem.

Alvin Lijun Shenwei.

Sam with a super big candy floss.
Thats about all i have. ciaos :D
Living on hope of forgiveness.