posted on Sunday, May 24, 2009 at 3:52 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Woo, today was a real long day. Coz of the fam of the year compy, in which i was taking part as an Amaranthine member.. So before that i went to warmup at evo, and i got a shock of my life- used to be laggy evo, now its at 160frames. Set some new techno party records there, den shoot to suntec.
Screwed up at the comp. Coz i was playing the com which was to be featured on the big screen on stage... ONLY TO HAVE MY 'CURSE' COMING AT ME. Pressed the enter button. And because of that i missed. x.x But somehow we managed to get 4th out of the 4 rounds, and got into the semis. Miracle number 1. Won Rename. Miracle number 2. There was no miracle number 3, so Amaranthine settled for 2nd. Gratx u guys, goodjob (:
Original Plan: To go era with ACME and co. Epic failed. Cab couldnt squeeze me in. So went over to era with eddie and wilson (kunny), had some chats about audi stuff, reached era. Somehow, brother 3 and 5 already was at era, which got me kinda stunned. Did i mention Cheryl came today? Had fun disiaoing her today, somehow. ;o
Elearning week this coming week. No sch. Fk u. Lots of assignments. Lols. Doesnt help that i need to go back to suntec tmr, be a game marshal for a maple event? ;o Gonna buy a pig also.
Some peektures.

My new TechnoParty Record. Zhun sia -.-