posted on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 at 11:20 AM |
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Blogging in sch, after lunch...
These few days have been a whirl for me. Class, fam clique, fam issues, tagboard spammer, wadever. Maybe thats why im beginning to feel tired easily these days?
After lectures ytd, cherryl (note the difference, between cherry and ryl), she kinda spoilt my plans. Was supposed to go home ytd, den suddenly she asked me to pei her at bugis. Since i felt bored, so i just went.. Only to realise that its gonna be a real boring session. Watch her audi, she watch me makan, slackslack... And got myself this cap. It has japanese words infront, making it more 'special' as compared to other caps. But only during karuna's tut today den i realised, there was this extra flower behind it. Oh great, i bought it from a supposedly guy apparel shop, and wads that flower doing behind the cap? Dots right?
Sometimes i wonder, why would people rather shoot others behind their backs, instead of like coming to tell others that u dunlike a certain person, face to face. Yes, its the tagboard issue. Its that serious until i have to completely remove it. Yes i know, im always the 'worst guy' in everybody's eyes, but u all know very well that one of my major weaknesses is that i value opinions about me very dearly. And this weakness just gets exploited. Give me a wish, i would answer u straight in ur faces, "i want to turn back time". To when, i really dunno. All i know, i really miss the carefree past that i used to have. While i can say im quite contented with life, the only issue now is, im seeing so many arrows being shot at me. Like how everybody is ok with me and den at the back, start to throw darts/shoot arrows/throw shuriken/shoot me, whatever.
Ok. Im not a zilian freak, but yea.

Im outta here.
posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009 at 11:38 PM |
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Shag. :x
I just came home from the 2nd fam steamboat. Generally its fun, but i have to admit, its actually not as good compared to the first one..
Before that, went to cyberera to meet sam, and saw elicia there also. And apparently she was sticking to both of us coz her audi cpl is just too engrossed in his games? Ah well, thats not the main point- the more interesting thing came when cheryl came down to era... only to run and hide. After awhile i managed to persuade her to come up, but it took awhile also. Once she saw ppc, they simply clicked. (thanks to the webcam session ytd, Family photo? Anw that retard also took a pic of ben. -.-) And apparently, sam and cher cant seem to talk together, making me have to always initiate conversations??
Cabbed down to kallang mrt, coz we tot we were late. END UP? Zh and co turned up at SEVEN. Not that we're angry or wad, but we spent 7.20 and 2hours. Quality bonding time with cheryl, hope this has pulled them closer or sth. When cheryl had to go, her uncle turned up to pick her up. And while cher tot that she would be screwed, i told her uncle not to tell her parents that she was with us. Safety reasons yea. Den after she left, my inbox kena spam by her.... -.-
Anws, at 7, zh, alvin, sw and some girl called huiping turned up. Back then, we never knew that sth would happen. Shant elaborate further. Anws, the 6 of us ended up at DongDaMen. Had alot of fun there, and yea, lots of clearings of throat. AHEM.
All in all, the whole makan session ended at 10plus. Paid, left. Camwhored at kallang mrt platform, marina bay mrt platform, as well as in the train itself. Dammit, why am i the first to leave? hahas.
Photos will be up in my next post (:
To whoever the spammer is, i only have 7letters and 2 words. Fuck You.
posted on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at 11:50 PM |
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Hi guys. (My standard line. LOL).
3Days passed. Poly life's a breeze. Well, kinda fun? And kinda weird, being surrounded by girls all over, when u're used to having a group of guys with u. But being ven, i love challenging environments, so yea, i'm just gonna live with it. (: (Is everyone starting to call me a flirt already?)
Had Dr Karuna's Developmental Psychology Tut and WritCom Tut today, Started to feel the effects of wad everybody calls, the 'Z' Monster. Kena whack in class by afina to wake up. O.O But generally speaking, classes are ok. Oh wait, did i mention that i am module rep for DP? See i so sporting right. LOL.
Den i headed to Era. Kinda missed hands up bu, so yea. And really made alot of improvements in my 1hand bu. Heres my current 1hand record.

Sorry for the fking low quality, taken a hp shot. Well there it is.
Time to sleep now, lectures tomorrow. Nights ;D
posted on Monday, April 20, 2009 at 11:03 PM |
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Day 1 of school. 20 April 2009. Post 20 in this blog. LOL.
Way better than secondary sch life ofcourse, tho i still have the feeling that the girls in class seem to already, either get a bad impression of me, or are scared of me (think running around ps anybody? nah not that serious). Oh dam. i feel so fail.
2 guys in class only. The other guy's way better looking than i am. OH DAMN. LOL. No la, honestly speaking, the girls in T02 are quite ok, sociable people. And the bonding games just made things, er, better or worse? (Think sacrificing myself to be a 'vegetarian'). Wells, exchanged 0 Phone numbers, but added 2 msns. dammit, my borrow hp method doesnt work anymore.
Bused home with Geraldine (coz she's unlucky enough to live in bishan also), shared with her alot of things. The thing im scared is, scarli she blurblur all the way and everything, liddat also very x.x de. Wells. In general the class is ok, way better compared to 4Faith '08 in many aspects.
Lectures tmr. thankfully it starts at 2, coz, I WAS LATE TODAY. DAMN.
Germaine, i really wonder, is ur presence in my life a godsend. These few days, u just never failed to make me smile, and right now, i dun even think about liyee anymore? Thanks alots again. ;D
-edit again-
Why am i still looking at history.
Come on Ven, Liyee doesnt seem to care about you anymore.
After wad u did to her.
Why are u still going thru her blog and all that stuff?
But seriously.. Do i stay back, or do i move on...
Im still scared of screwing up relationships...
Liyee, please give me a god-damned answer, wad do u see me as.
This way, i will know wad i am to u,
And i'll know whether to stay back or move on.
Fk u, ven, u deserved all this.
posted on Sunday, April 19, 2009 at 11:12 PM |
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Half a year of slack life officially ends today. Coz term starts tmr. AT LAST? ;D
Prediction of my new environment: Surrounded by girls. o.o Im already prepared to be the only guy in class alrd? Its just that bad. Or good? wadever.
Anw i decided to straighten out myself already. Accepted 'punishment', as in, i doubt i can get together with her again. So yea. I've accepted my single carefree status. And im realise im very much happier today compared to yesterday. ;D Its kidna stupid, when im the one in the wrong and yet im not doing anything about it. But oh wells.
Hi NgeeAn Life! Bye slacking life. ;D
Thanks Germaine, for everything. (:
Yes i know, this time round, im the one that screwed everything.
Blurted out ur darkest secret, making u sound very cheap in the process.
Because of this stupid, 'never think before doing' action,
the slimmest chances, if there were any to start with, of us getting together again just vanished.
Now, with wad i did, nothing i can do will make u forgive me anymore.
But i really feel very bad about this...
Oh well, never mind, this is retribution for ven anyways.
Given my sucky attitude and all that, this is bound to happen also.
Im really stupid, isnt it?
Right now, u may just be doing sth that i may not even know.
While im here, blogging, with nobody to talk to.
U may ask, 'didnt u say they were very irritating?'
But right now... Im just alone.
U may see how i dont talk to u as me not being bothered about u anymore.
No, u're wrong.
Fact is, i dun dare to face u, after wad i did.
I really wanna be together with u again,
but with wad i did... I dun even dare to face u.
Earlier, i blog-hopped... Went to elicia's blog, saw her post... Well it made me think back bout everything. Throughout the 3years...
And i guess, i've come up to this conclusion.
'Ven isnt fit to have a girlfriend.'
Why should he have one, when he's just an insensitive bastard, that blurts out people's darkest secrets, doesnt make people happy, secure, etc, and just makes ppl hate him instead. Audi rings... Wad are they? Nice deco? True... But where's the worth of the ring? Tagging 78760 hearts to get a white pearl ring? Wtf are u thinking ven. Ur ign really suits u u know? -顶尖失败者, thats u- number one failure.
But even though i know my frens will be around to make sure i get through this 'episode'... Will they know how painful it is? Especially when u screwed up ur own chances? I want u back, but i guess now, i cant have u back...
Just wonder how am i goin to go to sch with a fresh start on monday man. Somebody please kill me. :(
Labels: Ven-the fail.
posted on Thursday, April 16, 2009 at 8:03 PM |
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Liyee, thank you. Seriously. Ur 2 msgs really gave me a good wake up call...
I do admit i have a sucky attitude. Wadever u said, everything is true. I bet nothing i can do will stop all these. Not that i dont want to apologise or anything.
Just a sorry will never work anymore right? I guess, i'll exit ur life as a form of punishment...
posted on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 9:42 PM |
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Well im back guys. bet None of u guys missed me.
Anyways this 3d2n hms foc, in short, is a blast. But seriously, many items brought were kinda not used? Lets see. Torchlights not needed. Erm, this, that, blah blah... Yea u get wad i mean. Throughout all 3 days, most of the people there were wearing slippers. So yea.
Reach the lt alrd, went to 'confirm attendence' for the whole thing. Back then everybody still blurblur mah, so its the shyshy people out there. Oni at the lt den we realised that accomadation was the loft apartments instead. Den theres all the games in campus and everything, like the maze fight and the ice age (what? only the rubbing of the sweet out from the ice is ice-related.). But the more interesting parts were the night games, like the one where we had to wear wet and sweaty clothing and run. Ironically, I didnt feel sticky after it. Oh yes, did i forget to mention, all these happened with many jokes, clean or dirty, shared and all that.
Amazing Race Day. Yea Yea. Kinda being one of the last 4 teams to zao from campus, so yea. The Plan: complete bottom line first, den see if got time for others. So the whole Dino group went Joo Koon first. Now imagine goin to Joo Koon Mrt Station just to Memorize all 4 mrt lines (including that only 5 stations opened circle line). Done all the Crap, and set off for National Library.
Lunch was before that, and wads the end result? Slacking there for very long. Reached NL, task given was, find 4 children (in the end scgs girls were allowed also) and teach them cheers. So there was this lady security guard that come gan us for doin all these outside hans? ah wells, heckcare.
Nxt stop was Mustafa, so we bused there. So everybody was discussing which bus stop to go to (It was the 2nd one, nearer to the Middle Road T-Junction). While at it, 851 came past, this was wad happened.
"Wan run ornot?"
"Ah, run la run la."
We did reach the bus alrd, but guess wad the bus driver did....
She saw us, Turn her head towards main road, and drive off. WTF? After that, from behind...
"Chase to nxt bus stop?"
At that point in time, this was joke of the day.
As Station Masters that are non GLs (Group Leaders) leave the station at 4.30, we went boonKeng first. Dodgeball among the whole group, and the side that went with me... Erm, u kinda know the end result already. TRASHED. Sry guys. x.x
At Mustafa, we kinda had our hardest challenge? 'Find 4 families, teach them cheer, and the process mus be videoed one by one'. In the end we still managed to clear that station, but kinda ended up late back to campus.... Ah wells.
After that, theres kinda only one more 'highlight event' left, which was a campfire, without the campfire itself. Wad replaced them? Lightsticks... And while waiting to perform, the whole group was kinda alrd @@, coz the item must be bollywood themed right? '1 little 2 little 3 little indians...' with some funny actions. Kinda Anti-climax isnt it? But it still managed to make us laughing?
Night party... Well really nth much to say, jus that it really got the whole hms year1s high, as in, very very high? Den wads next? Toning at girls' apartments. All went well, everyone had fun (and both my thighs were kinda, red?) but it kinda ended prematurely, coz at 5, all the camp orgs came in, chase us back to our own apartment, blah. In the end i bth, i just -ko-, and woke up at 7.45, when reporting time was 8.
Nth much la actually, oni that the first part of the induction programme was really very, er... 'hypnotising'? The second half where everyone was split into their own course groups (BZSE with PCS, CHS with CMC, CPEE with ECH). Den the session, den i guess almost all the campers left home. Went to collect the SnW Tshirt with some of the girls, but they ran out of S size. (M and L was really kinda, big, given my skinny body frame) So bo Pian, monday term start den go collect?
Back Home, checked timetable...
Good news: Totally no lesson on friday?
Bad News: On mon, wed, thurs, Mus wake up early. Aww...
Guess shall stop here ba, Here's ven's very lame, long-winded, draggy, wadever u called it, post.
posted on Monday, April 13, 2009 at 12:35 AM |
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Hi guys... Ven will be away on a camp at ngee an from 13th April Till the 15th. As such, he wil disappear from ur lives for these 2-3 days. Hope u guys dun miss me. (:
I wonder if u would be reading this here...
But just to tell u here, ur presence is already missed right now,
What more when away?
posted on Sunday, April 12, 2009 at 12:45 AM |
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Today's outing... U can say is a partial success. Coz many ppl couldnt make it for east coast, so that plan had to be cancelled... Until Ariel Jie suggested goin to Tampines1. Ok, 5 ppl goin there see see look look... And jie herself coming, still can la hor?
But this time, i do admit, it is my organisational weakness that made today's outing become liddat... In e end, 4 guys (apparently dark left) went to era, And it was only then den i revealed that i was ven. (throughout the day i was acting as Ellu, aka zhenghui.)
Now for most audi fam masters, they will have this bugger pestering them. Wads the ign? xb0iboix. How many times i mega le, or pm him to jus fuck off, he just keeps coming back. Ask me oni nvm, he goes on to ask all the jrs in the fam. .__________.?
So before we left era, wad we did was to make fun of that guy's 'can a not', and yet for a 13 year old, call him ignorant, or stupid, he still persists. Bth le, let them settle that guy, den ellu goes, 'i wan pee' again. Era toilet rules now-both the flushes have been damaged (by whoever that press too hard until the button come out and cannot put back), and 4 guys taking pics... Erm?
By being too cold, i would miss ur presence...
Yet, by relenting, im disappointed by ur attitude.
Tell me, god, wad should i do.
Dont tell me, there's no more hope already?
posted on Thursday, April 9, 2009 at 1:01 AM |
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Being with you is the best thing that ever happened in my life.
Yet ur words today, they were jus like long knifes, stabbing deep into my heart.
No doubt im disappointed, yes.
But i still love u, like never before.
posted on Sunday, April 5, 2009 at 1:24 AM |
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I guess its been ages since i last blogged?
Sorry uh guys,my life very boring one, so yea. Anw the oni significant things that happened this wk was shopping today, and bi goin my other house on friday. x.x Turns out, she wanted to hmwk, end up tag heart x.x
Some pictures.

Fk. almost 10m. 96perf also. ;o

Done by Liyee. ;x
posted on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 at 2:01 AM |
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To Linda, I know who u are, please do not ever say taht u're my audi cpl, coz simply, u're not. There's a reason for everything-why i deleted u frm msn, why i cpled somebody else and everything. Please lah, stop trying to assume things when u haven even got any clear confirmation. Why is there a need to go over my ex de blog and 'haolian' that u are my audi cpl, when infact, u're nothing to me? Why be so boliao and spam my tagboard?
Simple 2 words for u- FUCK OFF. Wadever that happens after u read this, whether emo, sad or wadever, i duncare, coz u asked for it.
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