posted on Sunday, February 12, 2012 at 3:07 AM |
0 cmnt/s
So today I just happened to check twitter on my phone, and saw a particular tweet. I just feel that enough is enough.
That thing which happened almost one year ago, yes it is entirely my fault. I can apologize, No problem. I can respect your relationship, no problem. I've already said it for thousands of times already. But what do you gain from harping over it and getting hurt over thinking about that incident over and over again? If you're thinking that the only way for you to move on from that incident is to either whack me into a pulp or make me disappear from this earth, I'm sorry to say that it will never work. Why?
Because at the end of the day, what has happened, has happened. What were you thinking, whacking me up would be as if a time machine has undid all the events? Foolish thinking, mate. All of us involved have accepted that the incident has taken place, and has moved on from that incident. Even if you're not as strong as other people, why on earth do you want to treat that incident as if it's a times-stopping moment, and always live your life based on that incident?
Doing so, you're also dragging everyone else with you, do you know that? The number of times that you've brought this matter up through your actions is just slightly more than the number of times I have been receiving complaints about this matter. We're all getting sick and tired of having to deal with the same old stuff again, have you ever thought about that? Whether Elii has reached her limit, I do not know, but one thing for sure, I have reached mine.
So just a word of advice: if you want your relationship to crumble, go ahead, continue being like this. Go on, always harp about that incident. If your relationship falls apart by then, please do not push the blame to me, for I believe i have ZERO responsibility and have ZERO influence in your relationship.
Good Fucking Night.