Last Day of 2011.
posted on Saturday, December 31, 2011 at 2:26 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Hello folks, I believe within this whole month of not blogging, my blog has already earned its own gravestone i guess. CHOY, last day of 2011 already, cannot be so negative.
The past month was spent doing nothing much, things like my assignments to everyday gaming. Doesnt help if many new games have been released, things like Jubeat Copious, Technika 3...
Though for last week, being christmas, we took a break from all that arcade gaming, and went back to lameizi for steamboat~ Pics are mainly from my facebook, but here's one because it's a rather decent group pic.

I Lied. In SGR terms, There's no such thing as decent.
Plans for later: Fireworks with SGR. Probably sneak in a few games of T3 before that. :\
Since it's the very last day 2011 already, it's time to think back and reflect on the year that has just passed.
Frankly speaking, 2011 has been a very eventful year to be honest. Eventful to the point where I got to know many new people, as well as lose many friends. Another interesting thing that I realised this year: I WAS SINGLE THE WHOLE ENTIRE YEAR. Like a complete change compared to the past two years. Let's not get there.
As for 2012, it is also the year that I'll be enlisting... sad but true. That aside, and as much as I don't really keep new year resolutions, this is what i hope I will do/achieve/whatever in 2012.
1. MaxRing in Audi. Even though I dont really play audi much already, but hopefully, I'd get a chance to see that fishball, even if i don't like it at all.
2. Graduation. I dont want to expect too much for results, because the higher the expectations, the bigger the disappointment. That does not mean I will not work hard though.
3. Being a better person in general. Because of how horrible my personality can be at times, I have destroyed too many friendships in 2011. Basically, to do that in 2012, I really need to be less selfish, wait, more like, NOT selfish at all.
These are the only three things that I really hope for in 2012. Relationships? I doubt i'll get into any to start with. Game targets? Those are short-term. Apart from the max ring that is.
With that, this ends the last post of my blog in 2011. (:
Watercolour Candy.
posted on Friday, December 2, 2011 at 1:32 PM |
0 cmnt/s
The title of this post is just the song that is currently playing.
Just got my weekly dose of Mashiro yesterday. And i almost cried. Well, not because Sana is my favorite character, but because I see quite a few triats of her in me. A person who is willing to give up love for his/her friend's happiness, not being honest with her feelings, finding love only to miss your only chance, etc. Judging from next week's preview, I have a feeling I'll really cry. It's just bittersweet.
On other news, I've recently got married in audition again. yea, same old thing, same old sting. Except this time there's garden to help boost cpl points, but seeing that both of us now do not play so often anymore, it'll probably take more than the 6 months we took to hit rosemary again, let alone gladiolus (dk how to spell that ring name lah, LOL). And also that one tingling fear of the same old thing that happened many times before happening again.
Centre visit later, here I am blogging. Toodles.
I go back to December all the time... Wait it's December already?
posted on Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 4:14 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Today, my attitude was rather bad.
No, make it VERY bad.
I'm sorry.