How's It Been.
posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at 10:51 PM |
0 cmnt/s
Been a while since I last blogged. And it's been a while since I last went out with Li Ser too.
... well, I would'nt even get the chance to do so if Cher did not ask me out for pool today. So the plan was to play pool, and I recommended them Pomo's Kpool. Problem is, I actually forgot that it's KPool, and they're very strict about leaving ICs and not other forms of identification, as well as the fact that Cher has lost her wallet.
So in the end, we went back to the place where she often brings us to play, and played. Most of the time was just spent on the two ladies playing against me, for rather obvious reasons. Well, at least everyone else had fun, that's all that matters.
From there on, it was just buying some gongcha, then going off first because they had to do something which would be rather inconvenient for me to be around with. So ah well. In the end, I was supposed to meet up with saddy and yongwei for dinner, but because the latter had to go home, so instead it was going over to my cousin's to print my notes for tmr's lectures.
As for the events which happened today... It kinda makes me wonder, most of the time, I am always the 3rd person who joins in, when the other two peeps have each other as company. Kinda sad, but what can I do?
That very aweful feeling, for some unknown reason, is back again.