Limited Edition
posted on Monday, July 4, 2011 at 10:23 PM |
0 cmnt/s
Hi peeps~
Today all Primary + Secondary Sch peeps enjoy a day of holidays due to youth day, and coz of my work, i got to enjoy it as well. And so the day was spent with Cheryl, by her request. Although due to some circumstances, I was late.. Feel so paiseh, but ah wells.
Played pool @ Marina Square SuperCue, and its been quite a while since both of us played that, so naturally we played for quite a while. Lost one game to her, and she being the egoistic her, she had to take this down...

My last ball, she pocketed the 8Ball... Then proceeded to take this. Embarrassing.
Next on the list.. Shopping. Well, with both of us having insufficient funds to start a shopping spree, the most we did was to walk around the various stores and look at the apparel there. (Tho She was the one who did most of the trying-outs).
Anyway, while at fourskin...

Same checkered Shirt, worn differently. Tho Sadly, I don't really suit checks...
In the end, cher bought 2 pairs of flats for her sis, and nothing for herself. (She wanted two dresses which cost 80 and 83 respectively tho.)
And because of the time constraints(she had to go home early coz its back to school for her tomorrow), we left Marina Square after that.
Random Pics taken...

..and this one below is taken the day before.

P.S. All Pics posted here are taken by Cheryl.
Hi cher, I hope you enjoyed today as much I did. Gambarimasu while in school, okays? -winks-
P.S.2. Despite how close cher and I are, we are not dating. So yea.