posted on Monday, June 20, 2011 at 4:12 AM |
0 cmnt/s
I'll probably stop blogging in this personal blog soon. This is because I'll be making way for a blog where I'd do Anime Reviews. Just hope that I'll be sticking to this, instead of it being a 'san fen zhong re du' thing. Although, I wonder if my schedule will allow for time to watch and review animes by episode from Summer '11 onwards.
Well regarding this review blog thingy, I'm still pondering on whether to create a new blog just for the sake of it, or to delete every entry here and just start like that. Well I'm kinda pretty lazy to do all the html stuff, you see.
Just watched the raws for OreTsuba 12 not long ago, now its time to wait for Shikkaku to release their subbed version, and then I can pass Rabi the complete series, and begin on my review.
As for now, time to sleep, and then wake up to finish up my project.
Oyasuminasai! ^_^
P.S: For letting me know what you really think of me, Arigato Gozaimasu~