Memory Loss.
posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 at 7:51 PM |
0 cmnt/s
Recently, everyone has been facing a whole lot of problems. The big group, SGRhymix, is also in a heckload of problems as well.. While I try my best to help everyone out as much I can...
...but what good can you do when you cannot manage yourself well? Today I had observations by my field mentor, and all I can say is... it was horrible. Because I know that I had made quite a number of critical mistakes, thus resulting into what I had planned not being really successful. Normally, many people would just brush it off, some would reflect... But I dont handle setbacks well. Because I know im a perfectionist, and I'll want to do everything to get everything right.. As such, Whenever a setback occurs, I'm hit hard. I would lose interest in what I'm doing, just to think about whatever that had went wrong.
To many, this is normal. But nothing's normal when you can even forget about critical stuffs like project meetings after work, or to even forget to alight from your bus stop.. 'To go into a state of Amnesia just because of a setback, you must be kidding, right?' - I believe many people would be thinking this way...
Ah well, what to do, suck thumb, think of how I can get things right, stand up and move on nor.
As for now, I just wish that everyone will be able to genuinely smile, regardless of the shit they're going through. (:
Shall end with a picture.
2 more days, do you remember? <3