Being Uniquely *Insert your name here*
posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 2:27 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Been ages since I last updated my blog, partly because of school commitments, but also partly because I am really lazy, and my life is routinely interesting.

Last saturday, It was zane's birthday. Just wish he enjoyed his birthday celebration that the technika crew planned for him. (: (yes i am not a handsome dood, just someone with a cocked up face, so dont mind me.)
On the very same day, I did something no guy would do. This was to show a particular someone (you know who you are) who really really want to see me like that. Look below.

Cny's coming. Take care of your health peeps, you wont wanna lie on the bed and recover while everyone else enjoys the various cny goodies.
As for now, goodnight peeps.