posted on Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 11:16 PM |
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EXC when i least expected it.
Nothing much happened today, except lots of laughter while filming for the pec group assignment. Heheh Siam Ah. LOL.
After that, saw Gracia's dad driving 187, and then boarded her mum's 960. Bus plate number also damn nice, TIB1234T. LOL.
In there, caught up quite abit, kinda made me reflect alot too.
As for tomorrow... Lead-in visit to childcare centre. Well its so near my house, but...
Fking working till 6.30. FML.
Meeting QY at Woodlands to get stuff for PEC at 7.15 somewhere there..
.. and then by the time i reach sam's house to film something for SSEE (Presentation), its around 8+? Plus no dinner... YAY TMR IS A NICE DAY!
Anyway, INC before bed. How nice. Ciao.
Treasure the things u have dearly,
For you wont want to lose it, only to realise how important it is to you.
By then, its too late already.