Happenings of the Past few days.
posted on Friday, April 9, 2010 at 2:06 PM |
0 cmnt/s
A long post awaits you guys... filled with pictures.
Tampines 1, Tuesday
This facial expression above, by Rice, is priceless. Thanks to a sweet.
While getting a drink at T1's cold storage...

Yes, we are that bored...
Wednesday/Thursday, Tonning at baby's houseAs per heading... Stayed over at baby's house for those 2 days... Mainly chionged audi, Watched ghost train, cooked...
Some pics? Here u go.

This is my instant noodles... Hotdog overload.

This is baby's. Not too much soup and hotdogs. ;/

Spot and I. Well i haven really overcome my fear of dogs yet, but at least its much better now..
Thanks baby for everything, and sorry for my fussiness in the kitchen... x.x
Iloveyou. <3
Recent Technika Achievements
After leaving baby's house, went home, took stuff, went to find the group... Only to realise that the place is empty. Ah well.

Finally, my curse is broken. Hexad TP Fullcombo.

Customizer... Now 858. Gonna go aim 870.
Well thats about the things that happen the past few days. Gonna meet baby later and off to chambers to finally marry in audi. ;x
Baby, -wink-. Iloveyou. <3