Cynthia Jie's Wedding
posted on Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 1:10 AM |
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Photos taken from my cousin's fb. Selected ones that is.

Pouring Champainge.

Ah Hiong Kor, Beelan Jie and I. I look so retarded here.

Uende Jie and I.

This one.. Rarest shot ever... My Mum and I.
Today, probably one of the best days of my entire near-18 years of life.
Being the first to reach (from our side), + my family's gongness... Okay imagine.
-Reaches reception area.
-Sees nobody familiar.
-Wonder: Erm are we at the right place?
-Uncle: Want go down check ma?
-After a small discussion, we decided to.
-Go down again to check. We were actually at the correct place.
After awhile my second uncle came out to wish us and all that. Chatted a little before going in.
Went in, chatted a little, den watched the ceremony proceedings, start dinner... blah.
At the Yamseng session, the hotel staff suddenly gave out champainge glasses. In my table, Uende Jie and i were the only ones to get tho, i dont know why.
3 yamsengs, i finished my champainge in 2 yamsengs. Thats how little they give. ==
For the 3rd sip, i switched to my sprite. ._."
On the way home, i kinda thought through a lot of things.
Just 10 years ago, all my cousins were in their teens/early adulthood, and i was a mere primary 2 student. In the blink of an eye, 10years have passed, 4 of my cousins are already married. How time really flies. I really wonder, what would happen when its my turn to get married. How would the atmosphere be like.
And i realised, however hard my mum nags, however hard my mum and i would quarrel... She is, after all, the woman who gave birth to me.
Something i dont really have the courage to say in words, but...
Mum, Iloveyou.