posted on Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 1:41 AM |
0 cmnt/s
First of all, say hi to my new friend, doom the chicken.

Well the past week was a, wooo week for me... I lost another item in cine this time.. my fermion card. So there goes all my id scores, whatever shit, randomizer rank 2... ==. At least, i can chiong missions and chiong rank, but ah well.
Went out with the technika crew to jacky's chalet there. We all had quite a lot of fun, ranging from piggybacking to me failing to piggyback charmain and ended up getting her hurt... (still i mus say sorry for that).
Note to self: Never ever drink vodka again. It sucks. Whiskey is much better.
After all the crapping, group photo time... How much the technika community has grown.. still small compared to the jubeat community, but whatever, we're all a friendly bunch. Right guys? -winks-
School wise, everything is NOT okay... website due by thursday. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
Other than that, i realised that, other than a few girls, the rest of the class is awesome. Joel is >.> at times, but after all, despite his negative traits, he is still capable of being a good friend.
Despite all this, im still considered a no life freak. Ah wells.
Note to Germaine: Thanks for being there for me always. :)