where the story ends

Post number 100
posted on Sunday, November 8, 2009 at 11:31 AM | 0 cmnt/s

Monday blues tomorrow. 9am lecture. 11am speech theraphy class. gosh.

Yesterday was a day with mixed feelings. Cube session with ben and bf yesterday, and teckhwee came soon after. All went fine, until dinner, when i suddenly snapped for unknown reasons. Somehow, bf also lost her mood, but after awhile she was okay le. Finished cpl compy 2nd that day, and went home soon after. Nothing much.

And ofcos, ZoneX beside cube has brought in a technika machine. :D (but all the ppl there so pro, all playing TP (Technical play, expert mode))

With all that happened,
I decided to leave for good.
Ven may still be around by body,
But his mind and soul is dead

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