posted on Monday, November 30, 2009 at 9:41 PM |
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Im not feeling too good...
From emotional stress to... Now im feeling slightly feverish. Okay im made of fail.
Pictures of Sw's Birthday celebration. more will be coming.

Epic Failure

Epic Failure's Camera Shy.

I think i was toupai-ed for this. -.-

Epic Failure's Camera Shy, Part 2.
I've lost the confident side of me.
Because, i never fail to spoil anybody's day.
Especially yours.
First of all, Happy 17th Birthday to ShenWei. :D
Well disappointingly enough, only 5 people went for the wildwildwet event. Bummer. At least the rest came after that, and that made sw smile. That's the most important.
While everybody was having fun, during the train ride home, many things came to my mind... How i'm being treated rather coldly by everyone, and all the stuff like that.
Perhaps its retribution for how i've treated them.
posted on Sunday, November 29, 2009 at 12:44 AM |
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At least things between the two of them are getting better now. Im happy for them.
Some photos of today.

I hope we could still be friends...
I hate being treated coldly :(
Ven, do u know that 99% of the world hates u?
posted on Saturday, November 28, 2009 at 2:33 PM |
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Pictures tell 1000000 words...

Fail spotted playing DDR. Lol.
Anyway, does this look weird?

I dont want us to become from friends to strangers because of this.
Im sorry.
posted on Friday, November 27, 2009 at 12:33 AM |
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Projects..... Assignments.... -faint-
Anyway, going out with zh and cher was the best thing possible to relieve the stress from all the assignments coming up. And ofcos, thanks cher, :)
Went westmall with those 2, somehow all of us got hooked on to music games, while i was technikaing (and trying and failing to pass heartbeat due to Cos), and the other 2 were DDring. Sent cher home after everything, talked alot, reflected alot...
To the 7 of you... maybe its time to sit back and reflect on what happened that made all of us become like this.
I hate this feeling...
Because, I dont even know what exactly are we.
posted on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 at 11:34 AM |
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I saw ur blog post.
I dont forget ur existance, rather, u have rested well, now its time i welcome u back. (:
posted on Monday, November 23, 2009 at 10:41 PM |
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To me, today is a day full of surprises.
Technika Wise....
1. Passed SOS Pop.
2. Went over T1, saw a few SGCafe Technika players like jacky, miyuki, azure, and icy2.
3. Perfect play Remember PP.
4. ZZZ. Witnessed him Full combo White Blue (a song that i can never ever pass) and get Area 7 TP in heartbeat set.
5. See how a girl can look 12 but is 17, and a guy that looks 18 but is 14.
U like the girl and yet you know u would be a fail boyfriend.
What on earth are you thinking?
posted on Sunday, November 22, 2009 at 6:22 PM |
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When everything seems to be going against you,
perhaps its time to think,
what on earth had u been doing to get this.
Im sorry.
To every single person, whether i offended you or not.
Let this picture do the talking. (:

Anyway, Ben, happy 18th birthday to you (:
Hope u enjoyed today, even though it was quite epic to say the least ;x
Wish u all the best in whatever you do, :D
So the usual guys went to town to celebrate ben's birthday. Until we had to scurry through places to cut the cake, and we ended up in pomo. (Beside parklane) What was worse was that it was a chocolate fudge cake, which made the cutting of it worst. Doesn't help that the cake got lots of mohpeng also.
And after that, lan at vin's fave place. Didnt play good dota there today, somehow. Just felt that both games were screwed up. Settled the money issue, (coz zh and i paid the total sum for the guys, then they paid us.) and then went over to cousin's.
Which leads to the picture above.
Finally changed blogskin. Took awhile to get the edits working.
When u insist on something, even if you know its impossible,
it is a sign. (:
posted on Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 9:53 PM |
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Updating blog now. Else someone will nag. :D
But then again, too many assignments is robbing away time to blog.
So, ciaos. :D
All for the sake of a paperfish. :O
posted on Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 12:02 AM |
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Life's boring. Elearning for LADEL and i can totally forget that. Epic ven.
Only 2hours of class tmr. And off to vivo to get stuff for project.
Well shall blog when i have the mood to. ciaos.
I never fail to smile with you around.
posted on Sunday, November 15, 2009 at 12:45 AM |
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14 November 2009.
A new beginning.
Somehow u brought my smile back.
And all of a sudden, the old times of joking, bullying each other,
its just so heartwarming,
after all that's happened.
I'd be looking forward to us finally meeting.
Thankyou, Germaine. (:
posted on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 8:36 PM |
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Hi guys, this is probably the last time i am going to blog at gracia's house already.
So far many things has happened lately. Now 2 more bombshells came.
1. Gracia left -Silence-.
2. See my fam blog u will know why.
Im also very curious who they wan to aim. I wanted to ask for the ign of the member who scolded this particular person noob, den he never dare answer. End up all these nasty comments came in.
Then again, there's the long ago case of Samuel's w995, any insults u can spew on him face to face, why be a humji and hide behind the computer screen? Or u wan shoot me, also can. Find me face to face and talk. Not happy with -Silence-? Ur problem, not ours. Not happy with anybody in -Silence-? Find the guy, not the fam.
I am not defending anybody in my fam, i just want to know exactly what happened, so that we can talk things out. U wan think otherwise? Your problem, not ours.
And most importantly. To this whoever guy with all the random guys. He only call u mofo, also called offend? He will apologise to you all, i will make sure that will happen. But then again, what did he even do to even provoke u guys?
Im waiting for ur answer in audi/sms/msn.
Girl, if this is how u want to avoid me,
I cannot do anything also.
I only know,
Myself, your mum, your friends,
We are all concerned about you.
Takecare, bestfriend.
Its only now that i realise,
Its time to move on.
Hey girl.
I will move on , i promise.
But i'll stay within your reach.
I WILL miss you, but,
all the best. :)
posted on Monday, November 9, 2009 at 9:50 AM |
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No pictures for this post :)
Currently in LADEL Lecture, waiting for 1pm.
Baby, i promise.
The time where we are apart.
It'll be the time for reflection.
To learn from all my mistakes,
so that i would not repeat them when we're together again.
Though we're apart we love each other,
I promise i'll change.
In the meantime, stay happy.
Dont lose mood over me, because its not worth it.
After all, when you love someone,
you want the other party to be happy yea? :)
Found something very inspirational today, so i decided to post it here.

For a broken heart :
Don’t look back and leave
Don’t find me again and live
Because I have no regrets from loving you, take only the good memories
I can bear it in some way
I can stand in some way
You should be happy if you are like this
I become dull day by day
Just One time for my mind
I will do well
P/S : i do miss u :)
Post number 100
posted on Sunday, November 8, 2009 at 11:31 AM |
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Monday blues tomorrow. 9am lecture. 11am speech theraphy class. gosh.
Yesterday was a day with mixed feelings. Cube session with ben and bf yesterday, and teckhwee came soon after. All went fine, until dinner, when i suddenly snapped for unknown reasons. Somehow, bf also lost her mood, but after awhile she was okay le. Finished cpl compy 2nd that day, and went home soon after. Nothing much.
And ofcos, ZoneX beside cube has brought in a technika machine. :D (but all the ppl there so pro, all playing TP (Technical play, expert mode))

With all that happened,
I decided to leave for good.
Ven may still be around by body,
But his mind and soul is dead.
posted on Friday, November 6, 2009 at 3:09 PM |
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One fine day...
He was left alone and unoccupied again.. Unlike his classmate, he wants to do something, even sleep. Otherwise, his mind would wander, like how it did on the way here.
Then, an old friend came. Like all around him, she showed concern, gave advice. And he reflected.
Girl, i guess you know how hard it is to be bestfriends when you still love a guy.
I hate to be alone, i hate to be unoccupied,
Yet all the bros seem to have left me.
And then flashbacks of the past start playing.
Then, i would have the urge to cry out,
yet, i cant.
Given a final chance, i promise i will change.
I promise i will spend more time with you.
I will take out every saturday,
Saturdays which i always reserve to spend with my friends,
to spend it with you.
I promise not to leave you in the lurch again,
I promise, I promise.
Because, i know how painful it is to be apart,
And i really really wanna be with you again.
Girl, instead of being sad over our flashbacks,
why not let us create new memories together again?
8Letters, 3 words, one meaning, for you.
I Love You.Thanks joel, despite ur own relationship problems, u were still there.
Thanks joshua, for trying all ways and means to cheer me up.
Thanks bro and cheryl, for leaving me in the lurch so i know what it truely means to be alone.
Thanks Yanling, for showing concern to the both of us, despite having exams.
Thanks Ven, for screwing everything.
Letting go.
You left the sweetest taste in my mouth. How i wish i can have your love again.I officially declare that Cheryl Sng and Wong Li Ser are crazy.
Even though i know the reason why u wanted to leave me, i still did not say a word.
Because i know, it is my fault.I'll be your best fren till god lets us be together again. I promise, :)
The end... is it?
posted on Thursday, November 5, 2009 at 1:50 AM |
0 cmnt/s

Day 88 of ven and gracia's dairy...
... Well, this time, we quarreled, real bad. Somehow i couldnt take it anymore. Giving leeway so many times and still being treated this way, that was what was in my mind then and then.
From quarrel, to talking, we finally cooled down somehow. But then again, the thing that i tried so hard to avoid has come- we had to part.
Talked alot, had postponed my windows update restart dunno how many times. But still didnt manage to salvage the relationship. We ended here... Or did we?
To all the guys that tried to cheer me up the past few days, be it from school, from the 8bros, the plurkers, i would like to say a big thank you for all your concerns. But still... i was unable to salvage things...
To Gracia. Thank you for being the love of my life once. U may not be there in person anymore, but u're always here in my heart.
Iloveyou.I wished, there would be a final chance...From then on, the dairy was left blank... But it didnt end, because of something called hope.
posted on Wednesday, November 4, 2009 at 11:04 AM |
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Well, its strange how i suddenly picked up posting google images.
Apparently, my bus 157 lambat very bad at the PIE junction, and so by the time i reached KAP, it was already 9.15am. So i decided not to go for children's lit class...
During the trip, many things went about my mind. Whatever that happened last night, the talk with hun, the plurks... its just heartbreaking.
The worst part is, i didnt want my bestfren to worry, but... i still got her worried anyway. Being in cranky mode, she told me something, something that i am doing right now. Reflection.
Was i really a good boyfriend?Did i really care for her enough?Do i deserve this?Love will not end unless both parties concede defeat. And i haven't.
Till judgement day (day 120), i'll do all i can.
Enough of blabbering, time to do my dpl elearning.
Labels: I'm hanging on.
posted on Monday, November 2, 2009 at 10:00 PM |
0 cmnt/s
Some sses. Shall Caption them later when i get home.

CanCan BeatUp Perf Record.

Sam, this for u. More great, but more score too :D

5 non-perfs in be my lover br.

My Bml br record :D
2months left before we embark on our tenth year of the 21st century.
Many things have happened, i've seen all around me in all sorts of emotions, ranging from the very happy to the very emo. Especially the fam outing that happened yesterday. Well, more of a brothers outing, but, happy birthday teckhwee. Hope you enjoyed ur celebration yesterday, despite all that is going through ur life now. Whatever that happens, we are always here for you, so u are not allowed to be down over it.
As for today, i went over to gracia's, only to end up going to town. Caught Jennifer's body, which is a pretty good show save for the not so scary gore. Went to Jcube after that.
Hmmm, i wonder where to bring hunhun next week? ;x
And before i end up my post, i want this phone. Real bad.

Yes, the Sony Ericsson Aino. Wished my mum would grant me this wish.
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