posted on Saturday, July 18, 2009 at 2:47 AM |
0 cmnt/s
And Venny's okay already. (:
Many people gave me lots of encouragement, advice, and shoulders. I want to say Thank You to all of u, but i want to highlight 2 people that have really put in alot of effort to see my smile again.
The First, its a girl taht everybody has heard of before, but only recently did i get to know her in person. Then she jus kept telling me, never to give up on my fam, emphasizing that i am a good fam master (which i dont think many will agree), and no bmatter how troubled she was, she would always ensure that i did not fall deeper into the state of emo. Without Yanling, i dont think i'd be able to tide through this stage. ThankYou, Yanling.
As for the second... Peektures tell the whole story.

Yes. This retard called Cheryl. Thank You retard. (: