where the story ends

posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 2:20 PM | 0 cmnt/s

This completely describes a very important person in my life. No, its not that xmm whom i mentioned previously.

Today, muslims all over celebrate Hari Raya, so first and foremost, here's wishing all muslims a Selemat Hari Raya Aldifitri (did i spell correctly?)~

So Bryant and I got ourselves a one-month job at Starhub's Logistics Centre, supposed job is to be a scanner. However, for the past 3 working days (we started work just last thursday), we've been unpacking, stacking, dealing with cardboard boxes, until yesterday. Even so, the amount of unpacking, stacking, etc. we have to do still outnumbers the amount of scanning we have. That aside, we're actually paid quite well for this, so at least thats a (Rather weak) motivator.

Now most of you might be wondering why I'm being such a bastard when handling the issue with Cuimin. Initially, my main objective in getting close to her is so that she would get along and mingle with PDA @ SG as a whole. For some reason, she seems to have misunderstood my intentions completely, and as a result, I have to deal with a girl (Whom i have totally 0 feelings for).... well yea. Rejected her once in her face, she has proven to be a very patient person... So the last resort: Stopping all contact.

Most of you will now be asking me to stop all these... I will have to say no when it comes to that. Reason being:

1. I don't want the whole cycle to repeat again. (i.e. she mingles around with the group simply because I'm around. Comeon, coming to STGCC Just because i'm coming?)
2. As much as she says that she's more mature despite her age... I guess the only thing I can say is that I'm seeing the complete opposite. She's someone whom i really cannot handle (despite being able to handle complete Yans like Cher), so I figured she'll be better off with another guy instead.

Now, enough questions unless you want to get whacked. Nah im just kidding about the 'get whacked' part.

'Someday, you'll be there thanking me for doing this.' < I strongly believe in this.

holding it in
posted on Friday, August 19, 2011 at 12:20 AM | 0 cmnt/s

So i flared up at a girl 6 years younger than me. Yes, im ungentlemanly.

But, her mindset really needs to change. One cant be to selfless in this world.

posted on Sunday, August 14, 2011 at 2:34 PM | 0 cmnt/s

So i woke up today, alone at home. However, because its like the '15th day of the 7th month', so there was home-cooked food on the table.

In the past, home-cooked food was taken for granted. Even if it were simple dishes like a fish and some veggies, I would even choose not to eat it, be fussy about it, etc. That was many years ago.

Today, my aunt has stopped cooking meals daily, and dinner at home is always takeaways. Mum comes home late, but even if she's early, she isnt good at cooking. And so, i realised that today, home cooked food is as good as luxury. I'm also blaming myself for not appreciating the effort that my aunt has put in cooking all the meals she has made...

posted on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at 4:10 AM | 0 cmnt/s

As the title states. Its hardly that I get myself stuck in a situation like this.
I myself do not know why I got myself in this situation....

Though this time round, I am unable to accept anybody's feelings,
and I know I wont be able to take care of you and love you like I loved G.

I appreciate all that you've done for me, all the letters, the aqua gel,
but I really cant accept anybody right now,
and I believe it'll take a while before I can believe in love again.

The problem? I have no clue on how to tell you all this.

Sucks to be me, I guess.

posted on Sunday, August 7, 2011 at 2:18 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Im sorry for breaking your heart and destroying all your hopes.
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